Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Mock Interview using Face

Mock Interview using Face The data collection techniques used by a researcher are important in any research process since they primarily determine the validity and reliability of the study findings. There exists a wide range of data collection techniques that can be used by social scientists to collect primary data in key research areas (Wilson Sapsford, 2006, p. 93).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mock Interview using Face-to-Face Interview Technique specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some of the most commonly used data collection techniques include questionnaires, interviews, participant observations, focus groups and case studies. This paper evaluates how face-to-face interview technique can be used to gather the requisite information needed to answer key research questions in the broad area of same-sex marriages and civil unions. My primary area of interest would be to understand the social and psychological problems experienced by childr en reared by homosexual parents. It should be noted that all techniques of data collection involves some extent of structure (Wilson Sapsford, 2006, p. 93). Accordingly, the interview would be highly structured to avoid any chance of departing from the key issues during the interview process. A face-to-face interview technique that utilizes an interview schedule to lead the process will best suit the selected research area. Here, a standard interview schedule will be used for each respondent in the sample, in which the interview questions will have the same wording and will be asked in the same order. Due to the age of the respondents to be included in the study, this technique is viewed as appropriate since it will give the researcher an opportunity to guide the respondents by using prompts. More often than not, respondents deviate from the laid down procedures of the interview to give their own accounts or experiences that may not be easily categorized (Wilson Sapsford, 2006, p. 94). In such scenarios, this technique will allow the researcher to use prompts to ask for clarifications and other subsidiary information. This way, the technique also guarantees quality of data. The researcher would speak to two sets of children who must be 12 years or older to enable them comprehend the weighty matters that will be asked during the interview process. The first set will consist of children reared by homosexual parents while the second set will generally encompass children from straight families. The two sets will greatly assist the researcher in undertaking a correlational analysis with the objective of unearthing how a particular type of marriage influences the social, psychological and social beliefs of children brought up in these particular marriages.Advertising Looking for essay on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To unearth these influences the researcher will have to p ose questions that borders on the children’s value systems; attitudes about their parents; perceptions about the type of marriage their would prefer; how the marital relationships of their parents affects their class work and social life; any form of abuses arising from the parents; and their religious perceptions on the type of marriages entered into by their respective parents. The researcher should take some notes during the interview process based on the interview schedule to avoid any form of bias. The researcher should ensure that all the responses are categorized according to previously designed response categories to ensure that all information is recorded in an accurate manner (Wilson Sapsford, 2006, p. 94). Recording the responses in previously designed categories will also minimize the chances for the interview process to slide towards an agenda of attention which is decided by the participants rather than the researcher. The researcher may also tape-record the in terview process to guard against any loss of critical information. The face-to-face interview technique enhances a much faster comparative analysis on each interview item while the prompts utilized in the interview process offers the researcher an opportunity to discover new information previously unknown to him or her (Wilson Sapsford, 2006, p. 96). Due to the tender age of participants, this particular data collection technique will also give the researcher the ability to adapt the questions as necessary, illuminate any doubt, and make sure that the participants understands the questions in the right context. However, the researcher will have to use vast financial resources and a lot of time to get to the participants due to geographical limitations. In face-to-face interviews, the researcher’s bias in terms of how the questions are asked and how responses are interpreted may also present some challenges. Various issues can be learned from the interview process. First, it can be discerned that face-to-face interview technique can be effectively used to study the perceptions, attitudes, values, and behaviours of a selected sample especially when it is used in conjunction with an interview schedule. In this perspective, it can be effectively used in qualitative studies for purposes of collecting data.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Mock Interview using Face-to-Face Interview Technique specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Also, the fact that the researcher must undergo a lot of training to minimize interviewer bias has also been brought into the fore. Third, this paper shows that it is perfectly acceptable to use several data recording techniques for purposes of enhancing data credibility. Reference List Wilson, M., Sapsford, R. (2006). â€Å"Asking Questions.† In R. Sapsford V. Jupps (Eds),  Data Collection and Analysis. SAGE. ISBN: 9780761943631

Saturday, November 23, 2019

5 Smart Hobbies That Will Make You Enough Money to Quit Your Day Job

5 Smart Hobbies That Will Make You Enough Money to Quit Your Day Job More and more people are making the transition to being independent workers, taking advantage of freelance opportunities, contracting, and temporary employment to generate extra income- sometimes even enough to quit their full-time jobs. If you have a dream of taking your supplemental income to the next step- whether you want to be an entrepreneur, a freelance artist, a blogger, a filmmaker, or anything else- you should first make sure you have a solid financial game plan laid out before you quit your day job. Make sure you have enough income, plus some savings should that income drop off at any point.And if you don’t quite know yet how you want your work life to look, here are 5 ideas you could use to make side income your whole income.1. Online MarketingAny product or service can be sold from anywhere to anyone, thanks to the digital world, search engines, and social media. Sign yourself or your business up for a social media account and start attracting as many big brands a nd companies as you can. The more followers you have, the greater your chances of earning marketing dollars will be. Depending on your sponsoring brand, you could earn up to $500-5,000 per post.2. InvestingThe stock market is always a risky option, but it is a great way to maximize your returns. The stock exchange and bank stocks are relatively safe and price-to-book ratios usually low. Major banks can also be a smart choice, considering how important their functioning is to the government. Learn how to expertly move your positions and you could see your profits rise.3. Taking on GigsThe gig economy is on the rise. Whether you have a specialized talent that you can farm out on the internet or in the tech sector, or you’re less educated and tech-savvy but still have valuable skills to offer, such as art or craftsmanship or even driving for a ride-share company, your entire income could be made this way.4. MLM and FranchisesIf you have a little capital saved up, owning a franch ise can be quite profitable. Pick something you’re passionate about and start researching!  You’ll have the added peace of mind knowing the business model worked once already, and many of the kinks have been worked out. There’s also Multi-Level Marketing, which can be a great source of income, comes with business advice and a marketing plan, and doesn’t require you to launch a new business entirely, but comes with fewer guarantees.5. Online TeachingIf you know another language, or are particularly good at standardized tests, you could be making $20-100 per hour tutoring people in languages or ACT/SAT/IELTS tests remotely via Skype or other platforms. Try online teaching job sites like Learn4Good or Indeed to start. Once you start reaching income goals in this field, you can easily convert into full-time work.Whatever you do, be sure to pick something that you are passionate about. Also take your schedule into account. Can you only work weekends, or do y ou have more time to devote to building your business? If you need a chunk of capital to get you started, try to avoid sidling yourself with big loans so you don’t get bogged down with interest payments.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Fatigue problems facing pilot crewmembers in today's aviation world Essay

Fatigue problems facing pilot crewmembers in today's aviation world - Essay Example Fatigue has significant physiological and performance consequences because it is essential that all flight crewmembers remain aware and play their role in flight safety by their observations and actions. As fatigue is a safety concern, this discussion will describe the symptoms of fatigue along with its physical and psychological effects specific to airline pilots. Fatigue is a normal response to many conditions customary to flight procedures because of the sleep loss due to erratic shift work and long duty rotations. Many factors can contribute to fatigue in the commercial aviation environment but the term, ‘fatigue,’ has yet to be defined in a tangible manner. In reference to human functioning capabilities, fatigue refers to deterioration in human performance, arising as a consequence of several potential factors, including sleepiness resulting in a decreased ability to maintain function or workload due to mental or physical stress. Sleepiness has a less ambiguous definition. â€Å"Sleepiness, according to an emerging consensus among sleep researchers and clinicians, is a basic physiological state (like) hunger or thirst. Deprivation or restriction of sleep increases sleepiness and as hunger or thirst is reversible by eating or drinking, respectively, sleep reverses sleepiness† (Roth et al, 1994). The term has been descri bed as a range of experiences such as sleepy tired or exhausted. Sleep loss and circadian rhythm interruption, (a disturbance of the normal sleeping pattern), are the two major physiological phenomena that have been demonstrated to create fatigue. The only effective treatment for fatigue is adequate sleep (Caldwell, 1997). Many conditions contribute to fatigue including the length of time awake, the amount of continuous time doing a task, the lack of sleep and circadian rhythm disruption. As fatigue progresses it is responsible for increased errors judgment, followed by

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Managing Change at The Co-operative Group Assignment

Managing Change at The Co-operative Group - Assignment Example The market share of the company is about 4.2 percent which is not high at all in comparison to its competitors but one good thing about the company is that it is certainly a market leader when it come to top up food shopping and it is due to the convenience which is offered by the store. Company being a food retail chain, certainly has an ethical business, with various strengths and also weakness which provides a margin for company to improve. There are few set values and also set of principles according to which the company operates and works. The major standards linked with the business mandate being the openness to democracy, social responsibility and also caring along with equality for others. They believe in converting these believes practically within the market place. The major pillars of the business being issues linked with ethical trade and fair trade. The company is also dependent on other important principles about training and information, concern for the community along with co operation between co operatives and training (KLINEDINST, M., & KALMI, P. 2009). There are some very important areas of concern for the co operative food retail which include the presence of â€Å"top up† shopping market segment along with the small store size. There are some very important areas which needs to be improved like restricted shelf space for the ethical lines of produce along with the customer base or the demographic profile of the people who are not willing to pay premium prices for the high welfare and organic foods which are produced. This thing can be improved by developing better marketing techniques for top up segment and market base along with focusing on the convenience factor more and making it their unique selling point. Great amount of marketing efforts can prove to play a vital role in increasing sales of the top up retail sector which is facing problems (BENNIS, W. G. 2000).   It is not always about the policies being practically set up , the company needs to work extremely hard in improving their supplier relationships which are not very great. The major problem which can be solved is improving the local procurement of the food. The company stresses a lot on their social responsibility and the role played by them which totally helps their consumer membership but they tend to ignore their supply chain management which is a very important and a crucial thing in today’s world. The competition is so high and large that no company can take a sensible risk of ignoring their supply chain which can indeed help them increase their profits by cutting costs. The efficiency of the company can increase if the supply chain is managed properly and the company is able to have good relationships with their suppliers. The Company can also improve their functions by focusing on the staff training and environmental reporting. All the environmental concerns need to be analyzed and reported on time. The company should make sure th at proper training is provided to the senior management about the importance of environmental issues and the impact they can have on them. The training should be linked with practices and policies which need to be set up. There should be proper and specific training given to the store based personnel regarding the environmental awareness and different mediums can be used in order to perform this task which includes using staff information posters and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Implementing a Business Continuity Essay Example for Free

Implementing a Business Continuity Essay In this lab, you implemented a portion of your organization’s BCP. On the basis of the BIA, the organization determined that the internal Active Directory database and the corporate Web site must be recoverable in the event of system failure or natural disaster. To accomplish this, you configured local backups of Active Directory on the existing virtual server using Windows Server Backup. You also configured the organization’s Web servers to host content from a single NFS share, and to back up that NFS share daily using Windows. Lab Assessment Questions Answers 1. What is the purpose of the business impact analysis (BIA)? 2. What is the difference between a disaster recovery plan (DRP) and a business continuity plan (BCP)? 3. What are the commands used in Windows 2012 to mount the NFS share on the Linux server. 4. Is creating redundancy for systems such as Active Directory or Web servers a part of the DRP or the BCP? 5. Why use the mklink command? 2 | Lab #6: Implementing a Business Continuity Plan 6. What role/service is Windows 2012 Server Backup part of? a. Windows Group Policy b. Windows Collaboration Server c. Windows Server Essentials Experience 7. Which Linux file makes a local share available to NFS clients? a. transports b. imports c. fstab d. exports

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay example --

The Influence of social media on the modern teenager’s relationships What should a relationship be based on? Communication: this is fundamental in relationships because if there is no communication then there is no relationship. It is also the way to solve problems and bring up issues that can be attended too. We build a relationship using communication by interacting using common interests or opinions. Accepting differences: people are all different and the sooner we accept one another’s differences and tries to work with them the faster the relationship can advance. Realise differences and try to talk about them but if you cannot come to an agreement rather agree to disagree and try to respect one another’s view on the topic. Respect: without respect you can’t build a relationship. Respect is the foundation on which relationships are built and if there is no respect the relationship will be unstable. Trust: trust is fundamental for a relationships survival if you do not trust the other half in the relationship the relationship will fail as there will be a sense of insecurity. Trust is hard earned and easily lost. Sincerity: there will always be conflict within a relationship and you need to be able to apologise and realise when you are wrong. The sooner there is an apology the sooner the relationship can advance. Self-restraint: if you are going to say something make sure it will not offend the other person and rather not say it. To be able to practise self-restraint you need to be aware of each other’s differences. What forms of media are there to influence teenagers? Newspapers: this is an old type of media that informs us of the news that is happening in the world around us. It is a document that is issued daily c... another’s vulnerabilities, boundaries and you will not take the relationship for advantage. There will be happiness or feeling of contentment when you are together and you are easily able to enjoy one another’s company. You are able to express yourselves with ease and express exactly what you are feeling. You will want to be together and will be happy to spend time in each other’s company. With regards to romantic relationships you are able to show physical affection with ease as well as in front of others, this will show that you are both comfortable in the relationship. There will be a feeling of equality for both sides. These are all signs of a well-balanced relationship. All of the above points apply to all relationships be it social, romantic or even family relationships. Done by: Joshua Boucher 11JD - Please see following page for reference list. Essay example -- The Influence of social media on the modern teenager’s relationships What should a relationship be based on? Communication: this is fundamental in relationships because if there is no communication then there is no relationship. It is also the way to solve problems and bring up issues that can be attended too. We build a relationship using communication by interacting using common interests or opinions. Accepting differences: people are all different and the sooner we accept one another’s differences and tries to work with them the faster the relationship can advance. Realise differences and try to talk about them but if you cannot come to an agreement rather agree to disagree and try to respect one another’s view on the topic. Respect: without respect you can’t build a relationship. Respect is the foundation on which relationships are built and if there is no respect the relationship will be unstable. Trust: trust is fundamental for a relationships survival if you do not trust the other half in the relationship the relationship will fail as there will be a sense of insecurity. Trust is hard earned and easily lost. Sincerity: there will always be conflict within a relationship and you need to be able to apologise and realise when you are wrong. The sooner there is an apology the sooner the relationship can advance. Self-restraint: if you are going to say something make sure it will not offend the other person and rather not say it. To be able to practise self-restraint you need to be aware of each other’s differences. What forms of media are there to influence teenagers? Newspapers: this is an old type of media that informs us of the news that is happening in the world around us. It is a document that is issued daily c... another’s vulnerabilities, boundaries and you will not take the relationship for advantage. There will be happiness or feeling of contentment when you are together and you are easily able to enjoy one another’s company. You are able to express yourselves with ease and express exactly what you are feeling. You will want to be together and will be happy to spend time in each other’s company. With regards to romantic relationships you are able to show physical affection with ease as well as in front of others, this will show that you are both comfortable in the relationship. There will be a feeling of equality for both sides. These are all signs of a well-balanced relationship. All of the above points apply to all relationships be it social, romantic or even family relationships. Done by: Joshua Boucher 11JD - Please see following page for reference list.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Performance Metrics Case State: All State Insurance

Allstate Insurance Company intertwines business goals with performance metrics. Goal setting is an ongoing part of striving to become successful and happy in life. When an individual achieves a goal, another one is set to accomplish next. Goals are personal and professional and the latter determines the longitude and latitude of a chosen career path. Organizations set goals for all levels of the company, from business units to individual contributors. The successful attainment of these goals determines if it is profitable year over year. Using the model for goal setting, evaluate Allstate’s goal setting process to determine whether or not Allstate has an effective goal-setting program. The goal-setting model has 4 aspects used to motivate employees. They include direct focus on high priorities, regulate effort, increase persistence, and create strategies and programs to achieve goals (Hellriegel, D. & Slocum, J. 2011). Allstate has a very effective goal setting program in place. One part of their program is to correlate manager’s pay to company’s goals. They use an online employee survey and feedback tool as the measurement. This practice touches on all four parts of the goal setting model. It forces the managers to maintain focus on the company’s diversity goals, while encouraging them to identify areas of opportunities and potential solutions. Allstate also has programs to support professional and career path development to provide individuals with the necessary knowledge and ability to achieve performance goals in each position. Discuss the competitive advantage Allstate has from the development of the Diversity Index. The index sets Allstate apart from its competitor’s at the most important level, the human level. Allstate uses it to ensure diversity inside the organization so they can understand and respect the diversity of their clients. The company’s vision states differences are a competitive edge (Hellriegel, D. & Slocum, J. 2011). An organization must be a reflection of the communities it serves. A global market requires organizations to have a diverse staff and understanding of multiple cultures. Allstate’s diversity index provides such an advantage over companies who have yet to embrace cultural differences. Recommend the types of high-performance reward system Allstate should use to motivate its employees to reach its diversity goals. The company should use profit-sharing and culture and reward systems to motivate its employees to reach its diversity goals. Profit-sharing reinforces the team based performance rewards. This type of rewards displays the company’s recognition of each individual contribution to the bottom line. The culture and reward system is based on the employee’s culture. It recognizes the diversity at the employee level. It is based on cultural values to motivate performance (Hellriegel, D. & Slocum, J. 2011). This makes the reward specific to the culture and recognizes diversity inside the organization. If you were an Allstate employees, discuss whether or not you would be motivated by the Diversity Index and QLMS. Provide a detailed explanation. The Quarterly Leadership Measurement System (QLMS) and Diversity Index would motivate me. It is taken twice a year and analyzed to identify issues and make appropriate changes in processes and performance. One reason it is motivating is a percentage of the merit pay is determined by the results. Another factor is the behavior specific questions asked to all employees in the index. The focus on the results and frequency of the surveys prove it’s a high company priority. It can be perceived that noncompliance would have a negative impact on employment and advancement opportunities. It encourages consistent behavior that coincides with the diversity goals of the organization. Ultimately, diversity is part of the American culture. The citizens of this country are from all over the world. There is a global consumer base here in this society. Allstate is a leader in business because they are socially responsible. Allstate requires its employees to maintain a work environment which embraces diversity. This business strategy will maintain their competitive advantage in the market.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Bruce Lee – the Art of Expressing the Human Body

c::: I I I –I iii compiled and edited by John Little  » I  » :::c I c. n The Bruce ~ee ~ibrarij — As revealed through the notes, letters, diaries, interviews, reading annotations, and library of Bruce Lee The 8rt of Expressing the Human Hod~ By John Little TUTTLE PUBLISHING To kyo  · Rutland , Verm ont  · Sin gapore Disclaimer: Please note that the publisher and author(s) of this instructional book are NOT RESPONSIBLE in any manner whatsoever for any injury that may result from practicing the techniques and/or following the instructions given within. Martial Arts training can be dangerous- both to you and to others- if not practiced safely. If you're in doubt as [0 how to proceed or whether your practice is safe, consult with a trained martial arts teacher before beginning. Since the physical activities described herein may be too strenuous in nature for some readers, it is also essential that a physician be consulted prior to training. All photos appearing in this hook are courtesy of the archive of Linda Lee Cadwell, the Estate of Bruce Lee, and Warner Brothers Films. First published in 1998 by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd. , with editorial offices ar 364 Innovation Drive, N orth Clarendon, Vermont 05759. Copyright  © 1998Linda Lee Cadwell All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the publisher. Library of Congress Caraloging-in-Publicarion Dara Lee, Bruce, 1940-1973. The art of expressing the human body / by Bruce Lee: compiled and edited by John Lirrle p. cm. -{the Bruce Lee library: v. 4) ISBN 0-8048-3129-7 (pb) I. Bodybuilding- Training. 2. Physical Fitness. 3. Lee, Bruce. Lee, Bruce, 1940-1973. Bruce Lee library: v. 4. GV546. 5. L44 1998 6 I3. 7'I–

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Raytheon vs Nortel essays

Raytheon vs Nortel essays Two companies taking similar actions that are obtaining very different results What is happening to the debt position? Nortel Networks engaged in several acquisitions in 1998. The effect on their income statement was staggering. Despite $17.575 billion in revenues (a $213 million increase from 1997), Nortels net income before taxes was negative $537 million. ROE was negative 4.64% compared to the industry average of 13.8%. Acquisitions, mergers, and partnerships have become a major strategy of many companies in the telecommunications industry. Nortel frequently participates in acquiring other companies in order to expand their business units, products, and lines. In 1998, Nortels largest acquisition occurred when they acquired Bay Networks for an estimated US$9.1 billion. In looking at the 1998 financials (I mention these because of the large dollar amount spent on acquisitions that year), Nortel's Debt/Equity ratio was interesting. Looking at the balance sheet, total liabilities increased by $1.1 billion (15%). The Statement of Cash Flows shows that Nortel repurchased approximately $1 billion of outstanding stock. Looking at these two numbers, one would expect the debt/equity ratio to increase but it actually decreased by 58%. And from 1997 to 1999, it has decreased from .41 to .16. The 1998 Income Statement also showed a large increase (144000) in the number of outstanding shares. The large increase was due to the conversion of outstanding Bay Networks shares and to exercise stock options by Bay Networks executives. The operating earnings number on Nortels 1999 annual report shows two figures on page 1, GAAP earnings ($-0.15/share) and operating earnings ($1.28/share). What's behind the difference? The cost of all the Nortel acquisitions: purchased IPRD (intellectual property research goodwill worth $639MM. That's about $2 billion i...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Jane Boleyn, Lady Rochford - Tudor Lady-in-Waiting

Jane Boleyn, Lady Rochford - Tudor Lady-in-Waiting Jane Boleyn, Viscountess Rochford, born Jane Parker (circa 1505 - February 13, 1542), was a noblewoman and a courtier at the court of Henry VIII of England. She married into the Boleyn/Howard family and spent the rest of her life embroiled in their intrigues. Early Life Jane was born in Norfolk, though the year is not recorded: record-keeping was imperfect at the time, and a daughters birth was not significant enough. Her parents were Henry Parker, 10th Baron  Morley, and his wife Alice (nee Alice St. John). Like most girls of noble birth, she was likely educated at home; records are scarce. She was sent to court sometime before her fifteenth birthday to join the court of Katherine of Aragon. The first record of Jane being noted at court came in 1520, where she was part of the royal party that traveled to France for the Field of the Cloth of Gold meeting between Henry and Francis I of France. Jane was also recorded as participating in a court masquerade pageant in 1522, which indicates she was likely considered very pretty, although no confirmed portraits of her survive. Joining The Boleyns   Her family arranged her marriage to George Boleyn in 1525. At the time, Georges sister Anne Boleyn was a leader in court society, but had not yet caught the kings eye; her sister Mary had recently been Henrys mistress.  As a respected member of a powerful family, George earned a wedding present from the king: Grimston Manor, a house in Norfolk. By 1526 or 1527, Annes power had increased, and with it the fortunes of all the Boleyns. George Boleyn was given the title Viscount Rochford in 1529 as a mark of royal favor, and Jane became known as Viscountess Rochford (Lady Rochford was the appropriate form of direct address). Despite all these material gains, Janes marriage was probably an unhappy one. George was unfaithful, and historians have debated the exact nature of his debauchery: whether he was promiscuous, gay, violent, or some combination thereof. Nevertheless, the marriage did not result in any children. Boleyn Rise and Fall In 1532, when Henry VIII entertained the French king Francis I at Calais, Anne Boleyn, and Jane Boleyn appeared together. Henry finally divorced Katherine, and Anne married Henry in 1533, at which time Jane was a lady of the bedchamber to Anne. The nature of her relationship with Anne is not recorded. Some speculate that the two were not close and that Jane was jealous of Anne, but Jane did risk temporary exile from court to help Anne banish one of Henrys younger mistresses. Annes marriage to Henry began to fail, however, and Henrys attentions began to turn to other women. Anne miscarried in 1534 and had discovered that Henry was having an affair. Somewhere along the line, Janes loyalties shifted away from the faltering queen. By 1535, Jane had definitely sided against Anne, when Jane was part of a Greenwich demonstration protesting that Mary Tudor, not Annes daughter Elizabeth, was the true heir. This incident led to a stay in the Tower for Jane and for Annes aunt, Lady William Howard. In May 1536, the Boleyns fell. George was arrested and accused of incest and treason, and Anne was accused of witchcraft, adultery, treason, and incest. Some have concluded that the idea that Anne and her brother George were committing incest may have been spread by Jane. While this is unknown, Janes testimony was likely key evidence used in Thomas Cromwells case against Anne.  Another charge against Anne at her trial, though it was not spoken in court, was that Anne had told Jane that the king was impotent - a piece of information Cromwell had obtained from Jane.   George Boleyn was executed on May 17, 1536, and Anne on May 19.  Janes motivations in this betrayal are lost to history: she may have been terrified by Henrys vengeance, but the reputation she gained in history was as a jealous harpy who schemed against her in-laws. Lady To Later Queens After her husbands death, Jane Boleyn retired to the country. She was in serious financial trouble and obtained some help from her father-in-law. Apparently, Thomas Cromwell was also helpful to the woman who had been helpful to him in making the case against Anne, and she was allowed to continue using her aristocratic title. Jane became a lady of the bedchamber to Jane Seymour and was selected to bear the train of the Princess Mary at the queens funeral. She was lady of the bedchamber to the next two queens, as well. When Henry VIII wanted a quick divorce from his fourth wife, Anne of Cleves, Jane Boleyn provided evidence, saying that Anne had confided in her in a roundabout way that the marriage had not actually been consummated. This report was included in the divorce proceedings. Now firmly with a reputation for eavesdropping and meddling, Jane became a crucial figure in the household of Henry VIIIs young, new wife, Catherine Howard  - a cousin of Anne Boleyn.  In that role, she was found to have been a go-between arranging visits between Catherine and her love Thomas Culpeper, finding them meeting places and hiding their meetings. She may even have instigated or at least encouraged their affair, for reasons unknown. Downfall and Depictions When Catherine was accused of the affair, which amounted to treason against the king, Jane  first denied knowledge of it. The interrogation of Jane over this matter caused her to lose her sanity, raising questions whether shed be well enough to be executed. A letter to Culpeper was produced in Catherines handwriting, in which was found the sentence, Come when my Lady Rochford is here, for then I shall be at leisure to be at your commandment. Jane Boleyn was charged, tried, and found guilty. Her execution took place on Tower Green on February 3, 1542, after Jane made a prayer for the king and alleged she had falsely testified against her husband. She was buried at the Tower of London, near Catherine, George, and Anne.   After her death, the image of Jane as the jealous accuser and manipulator firmly took hold and was accepted as fact for centuries. Most fictional portrayals of her have depicted a jealous, unstable, vicious woman at worst and an easily manipulated tool of powerful men at best. In recent years, however, biographers and historians have revisited her legacy and questioned whether or not Jane simply did the best she could to survive one of the most dangerous courts in history. Jane Boleyn Fast Facts Full Name:  Jane Boleyn, Viscountess RochfordBorn:  circa 1505 in Norfolk, EnglandDied:  February 13, 1542 on Tower Green, LondonSpouse: George Boleyn, Viscount Rochford (m. 1525 - 1536)Occupation:  English nobility; lady of the bedchamber for four queensKnown for:  Sister-in-law to Anne Boleyn who may have testified in her downfall; lady-in-waiting to five of Henry VIIIs queens Sources Fox, Julia.  Jane Boleyn: The True Story of the Infamous Lady Rochford.  London, Weidenfeld Nicolson, 2007.Weir, Alison. The Six Wives of Henry VIII.  New York, Grove Press, 1991.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Democratic Governance in a real life issue Essay

Democratic Governance in a real life issue - Essay Example It is a set of principles that protect human freedom. All democracies operate on the principle of majority rule, keeping in mind the interests of the minority groups as well as individuals. Democracies are diverse, reflecting each nation's unique political, social, and cultural life. Democracies rest upon fundamental principles, not uniform practices. Democracies guard against all-powerful central governments and decentralize government to regional and local levels, understanding that local government must be as accessible and responsive to the people as possible. Democratic societies are committed to the values of tolerance, cooperation, and compromise. Democracies recognize that reaching consensus requires compromise and that it may not always be attainable. Democracy functions in the gamut of defined and undefined parameters. It also manifests itself in the form of certain parameters. A deeper understanding of these parameters would provide an insight into the functioning of a democracy. In fact from a macrocosmic perspective, democracy just cannot be restricted to the political ambit. It is a way of life and extends to one's personal as well as professional demeanor. However in order to understand its extension and application into these areas, it is mandatory to take a deeper look at what democracy entails and ensues. There are systems that serve as indicators of a democratic set up. These indicators not only shape the democratic operations but also sustain them. Equality is an innate parameter plus an indicator of a democratic set up. Equality reflects a positive connotation. Equality in its prescriptive usage has a close connection with morality and justice. When we talk about democratic equality, a natural question arises: equality in what Democratic equality cannot mean equality in everything: there are many inequalities that democracy does not deal with. There are five criteria that mark a democratic process: voting equality, effective participation, enlightened understanding, control of the agenda, and inclusion of all adult members in collective decisions. These five criteria make the democratic process fully consistent with the logic of political equality. Violating any of the five criteria not only renders the process undemocratic, but also renders it incompatible with the logic of political equality. Professor Giovanni Sartori's two-volume book, The Theory of Democracy Revisited, contains an excellent treatment on various forms of e quality and their roles in democratic thinking. Sartori thinks that "[i]nequality is 'nature'; equality is denaturalization. . . . Equality stands out, first and foremost, as a protest ideal, indeed, as the protest ideal par excellence" (Sartori, 1987, p. 337). In terms of their relationship with democracy, says Sartori, some equalities preceded democracy, while others are democratic claims. Pre-democratic equalities include equality before the law, equal and inalienable rights and equal freedom or moral equality. These equalities are more the products of Christianity, ethics, natural law and liberal ideals than of democracy. In contrast, three other equalities stand out as distinctively democratic demands. These are full political equality, social equality (as equal status and consideration regardless of class or wealth) and

Friday, November 1, 2019

Breeze of Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Breeze of Change - Essay Example I knew I had to start working towards achieving my dreams. I did not want to be caught up by death before realizing my full potential. I needed to travel the world and learn about other people. I always felt that the future was in the air. Everywhere I went, I would feel the future blowing in the wind of change. I had many things I wanted to change in my life and those of others. I hoped to see a world where people respected each other’s culture. I wanted a world where people appreciated and celebrated their diversity. Even up to today, I have always had the passion to learn other people culture, and I am glad I have partially done so. Because I believe this will enable me, understand and appreciate others. Early years were characterized by numerous trips to different countries. In every trip, I learned something that changed my life. My trips outside the United States helped me understand other people’s culture. I learned to accept other people’s point of views no matter how much they differed they were from my own. When I visited Baha’i Temple in Wilmette in Illinois, I realized the significance of religion. Since I value my own religion and I promised myself to appreciate other people’s culture and religion. This was reinforced when I attended a Catholic-sponsored high school, which made me realize that Catholics are very receptive of other religions. The experience changed my life and I wanted to be receptive to other people’s culture, and opinions. Attending college enabled me to meet people from different places. I learned the dynamics of socialization. A chance to be in the army strengthened me physically and mentally. I realized that every experience was a lesson for me. Death has always scared me in some way. When my 14-year old cousin and my great uncle died on the same day, I realized how death could cut short our ambitions. It was traumatizing to see someone die at such an early age. I decided to live each d ay to the full and always do my best. When I completed a Bachelor’s degree in Art and History, I was excited. Nevertheless, I knew I had to find a job. The job searching process turned out to be tougher than I thought. My parents were there for me, and they taught me the importance of being there for others. However, I ended up deciding on doing volunteer work. It was an opportunity to touch other people’s lives. During my volunteer at Navajo Reservation, I realized of the sufferings that American Indians go through. During my work, I learned that no amount of textbook learning could teach us about new and unknown cultures. Working with people from diverse culture taught me how to deal with others. I was glad I took the opportunity to help them. My international trip to Mexico, Texas, Alabama, Georgia, North, and South Carolina helped me realize how rampant racism and bigotry were. People still judged others in terms of their culture. When I moved to Albuquerque in New Mexico, I was prepared for what lay ahead.Â