Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Technology and Its Role in Creating a Corporate Culture Essay

Technology and Its Role in Creating a Corporate Culture - Essay Example The organization was developed based on the technology of 21st century in order to bring innovative changes in telecommunication industry. In present scenario, the organization is not confined to a single area rather it has approached forward to make its global presence so as to spread the name. The vertical integration strategy of Verizon Communications has performed a great role by making supply as well as saving the time and capital (Verizon, â€Å"Profile†). The organization is a service provider which encompasses of four working divisions such as ‘Domestic Telecom’, ‘Domestic Wireless’, ‘Information Services’, and ‘International’. The services of ‘Domestic Telecom’ include telephone operations and products. Services of ‘domestic wireless’ includes ‘wireless voice’ along with ‘data services’ as well as selling of equipments. ‘Information services’ includes d omestic as well as global publishing businesses that comprise of print ‘SuperPages, Electronic directories’ along with website creation and services of electronic commerce. The International division has wireline along with wireless communications function as well as investments in America and Europe (Verizon, â€Å"Mission Statement†). The organization has faced various hardships during the initial days. However, after the incorporation of high technology and good leadership activities the company has gained huge success in its business path. The leadership aspect was considered as the exclusive part of the company as this quality has guided the company to be in the better path. The leadership quality developed mission statement of the company that would not just direct but also assist the company to generate â€Å"Business Code of Conduct†. The code symbolizes broader concept because it is related to the achievement of the company and also facilitates to make clear issues regarding the existence of the Verizon Wireless along with its goals and objectives. The organization focused on four values such as ‘Integrity’, ‘Respect’, and ‘Performance Excellence’ along with ‘Accountability’ for achieving its goal. The organization is focused towards creation of wireless technology as well as telecommunication. The organization was previously named as Bell Atlantic and that time it had a separate mission. The corporate environment as well as culture was completely different from its present scenario. Bell Atlantic had diverse corporate policy and had no code of conduct. With change in technology within the organization there was transformation in among the employees with due course of time. Bell Atlantic was started in the year 1983 and the company was highly successful due to its specific performance appraisal. The main aim of the organization was to show a pattern of shift from Bell Atlantic to Verizon Wireless. I have been working in Verizon Wireless since its commencement of operations. I have worked in several departments of the organization such as transportation logistics and inventory control along with auditing and compliance. 2.0 Problem Statement The purpose of the study is to explain ‘how does leadership skill helps in managing change in organizational culture in terms of technology’. There is a great role of leadership activities in Verizon Wireless. The leadership role facilitated the company to build technological

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Strategies to Strengthen Memory Skills

Strategies to Strengthen Memory Skills Memory is the power or process of remembering what has been learned. It can be bunches of information that you’ve learned from school, internet, and experiences, either good or bad. Memory is like a very big storage in our head. You yourself will be shocked from the things that are in store with it. When we remember or recall something, our memory is involved to it. Our memory is an essential in our daily lives, because once our memory failed to function, we will experience difficulties in remembering faces, numbers, and even directions. Won’t it be a burden for us and for others too? As we get older, the capability of our memory fades away. As a human being, our memory will be needed for a lifetime in every simple ways we do. Our memory is very important in order for us to get into school, university, and get a career or profession that we want. The job of our memory does in remembering wholly depends on our actions. Daily intake of healthy foods will make our memory function properly. We don’t just eat to fill our stomach. We must consider the nutrients that we get from it to become physically healthy, and mind healthy. Food isn’t just enough. It requires teamwork with vitamins that will further make us healthy. Memory also needs energy to work. Aside from food, enough sleep after a long tiring day is a must. Just like our body, it also gets tired if overused. Physical and mental exercises also contribute to a good memory. Our memory also needs to be trained so it will be in good condition. We socialize every day, every hour, and every minute. Havi ng an active interaction with the same or opposite gender will pro-long the stored memories in our mind. Memory is very important yet, losing it is common these days. Humans are careless about their food intake. They just eat whatever they want or whatever satisfies their tummies. They’ll  stay in front of computer and manipulate their accounts in social networking sites for such a long time and forget to have an active lifestyle outside. Humans don’t mind if they sleep or not. Some don’t like analyzing or mind challenge because they are too bored to think. They don’t socialize that much because it will only be a hindrance on what they do. If this cycle continues, it wouldn’t be shocking that most of us can’t remember a single thing anymore. Before it become worse, we must enhance our memory as early as we can. Enhancing it will be a good prevention for memory loss. It will benefit not just us, but also the other people around us. Enhancing our memory will help us in every simple way as much as possible. Memory enhancement might not matter now, but we will realize later that it is a great investment for future. Considering the factors of memory enhancement like eating healthy foods and regular intake of vitamins, doing exercises, implementing good sleeping habits, and even socializing will result to a healthy remembering. When we take an examination, we think carefully of the answers. We know the answer a while ago but we forgot it just now. We need to take down notes or a memo but the pen went missing. We keep looking for it but it is just behind our ear. Isn’t it frustrating to experience these situations? It won’t be impossible to happen if we don’t enhance our memory, now. Review of Literature Memory plays an important part in our daily lives. It is involve in remembering faces, numbers, directions, facts and a lot of information we gather. Just like our body, our memory also have needs in order to live and do its purpose. Memory loss is so common these days. In order to improve our memory’s performance, we must consider taking care of our health, implementing good habits and often socializing. If it is used, it will continue to improve throughout your lifetime (Buzan T., 1991). According to (Eastway R., 1991), one thing that is fundamental to a good memory is the health of the brain in which it sits. If our body needs good diet, so does our brain. There are kinds of food that will help us in improving our memory. One example of that is fish. Oily fish is the top scorer in foods that contain Omega-3. Fish also contains a fatty acid called DHA, which increases the levels of acetylcholine, a vital carrier involved in the memory’s function. Another one is food that contains anti-oxidants. Some people are unaware of what they take. There are some toxics that we unconsciously eat that can cause fundamental damage in our bodies, including our brain which is mainly responsible for our memory. Carbohydrates from bread and cereals can help to improve alertness, and the ability to form new memories and to retrieve the old ones. We are physiology different from each other, and what benefits in one person will not necessarily be the same for each one of us. Fish, anti-oxidants and carbohydrates will boost an average memory performance. The newest or the modern way to enhance our memory nowadays is taking up drugs. It can help but we must be careful in differentiating memory boosting drug and drugs that don’t retrieve old memories. If we were really good thinkers, (Gordon B. Berger L., 2003) states that we won’t neglect mental workouts. Jigsaws, crosswords and Sudoku are can be seen in the newspaper every day to  entertain us. Behind those sheets are ways for an alert and smart mind. Regular mental exercises build ups the brain, same as how physical exercise builds muscles and strengthens the heart. Treating your body well can enhance your ability to process and recall information. Physical exercises reduce the risks of memory loss. Try to give your memory a workout, training it to keep it sharp (Harp T., 2003). After a long tiring day in school or office, a sleep is a must. When we sleep, we boost the capability of our brain in problem-solving and critical thinking skills. It is also an essential in learning new information. We find it hard to remember something especially if we need to input too much information. Socializing can be one of the simplest memory techniques. According to Oscar Ybarra, a psychologist at the U-M Institute for Social Research (ISR), socializing was just as effective as more traditional kinds of mental exercise in  improving memory  and intellectual performance. Interacting with others can sharpen your memory because social interaction itself is challenging already because you have to deal with variety of people. If socializing isn’t your habit, it can’t affect you now but it will in the future. One of the horrors of growing older is the certainty that you will lose memory and that the loss of vocabulary or incident or imagery is going to diminish your imagination (Eastway R., 2004). Memory is like a shadow. It will be always after us, but as soon as the darkness rose, it will fade away. Memory is a lifetime machine. It will continue to work for a lifetime as long as we take good care of it. Just like an ordinary machine, it needs to be maintained to function properly. According to Matlin (2005), memory is the process of maintaining information over time. â€Å"Memory† came from the Latin word memorariandmemor, meaning mindful or remembering. Memory is our ability to encode, store, and recall information or past experiences with the help of the human brain. It is like a filing cabinet with a limitless capacity and speed. The work that our memory does widely depends on the owner: the humans. Scientific research has shown that the human brain starts remembering things 20 weeks after conception. In order to form new memories, information must be changed into a usable form through the process known asencoding. Once the information has been successfully encoded, it must bestoredin memory for later use. Most of this stored memory lies out of our awareness most of the time, except when we really need to use it. The retrieval orrecalling process allows us to bring stored memories into conscious awareness and use it in the present. Memory relies largely on the cells in our brain, and as we get older, brain cells (neurons) die, and don’t get replaced. The number of connections between the calls (synapses) also tends to disappear with age. We typically have 100 billion neurons at the age of eighteen, but then proceed to lose them every day thereafter. Forgetting is a normal and inevitable part of the way that the brain works at any age. One benefit of forgetting is that it helps to remove unnecessary information from our minds. The brain is good at knowing how to forget information that it no longer needs. It is hard to know which would be worse- never being able to remember, or never being able to forget. Forgetting may be a natural part of how the brain works, but not all forgetting is beneficial. It’s frustrating not being able to remember all those things that you actually do want to remember. Forgetting happens most of the time for office workers, students, teacher or anyone, even those who don ’t have a profession. No one wants it, but just like what is  stated above, it is inevitable. Many people wish to improve it, but some of us become unconsciously careless. One thing that is important to a good memory is the health of the brain in which it sits. We want to keep our memory alive but we are the ones who are killing it. There are some factors on killing your memory. Trauma to the head can permanently damage brain cells. Players that involve their heads on a physical game are more prone to brain diseases. Another step is intoxication. Alcohol is the most available substance for this. It slows down the brain’s function when it is in the blood. The third way to decline the brain is to ignore it. The phrase ‘use it or lose it’ really does apply to the brain. Lastly, the food that you eat is very important for the brain. A diet of burgers and highly salted chips is probably the best combination for brain decay, because it avoids feeding the brain the nutrients that help it to function. Memory improvement is significant on someone’s lifetime. What’s the use of a happy event if you can’t recall? What’s the use of reviewing for exams if you have poor memory? As we grow older, we worry about how we will remember a particular thing, if there’s something we can do to prolong it. Well, worry no more! There are plenty of things we can do to improve our ability to remember things, but of course it requires effort from the people who wants it. There are some particular foods and vitamins that are helpful for memory improvement. The nutrients we get from it are responsible for the health of our brain. Exercises, physical or mental, will train our memory to be sharp. Lastly, as we socialize, the effect it gives in our memory is positive. Most of it was done in our daily lives. Enhancing our memory is very simple right? Eating well is good for your physical as well as your mental health. The brain requires nutrients just like your heart, lungs or muscles do. Like everything else in your body, the brain  cannot work without energy. But which foods are particularly important to keep our memory happy and healthy? There’s no doubt that diet plays a major role in brain health. Omega-3 fats that can be found on oily fish as DHA (if you have higher levels of DHA in the blood, then the brain will operate more efficiently), which enables the body to use it easily. If you’re allergic to fish, you don’t need to worry because there’s a good alternative like linseed (flaxseed) oil, soya bean oil, pumpkin seeds, walnut oil and soya beans. They are good for healthy brain function, the heart, joints and general well-being. Nuts and seeds are also on the list. They all contain another important antioxidant: vitamin E. In one study, researchers found that people who consumed moderate amo unts vitamin E—from food, not supplements—lowered their risk of Alzheimer’s Disease by 67%. Here’s for all the sweet lovers- chocolate. Sweeten your brain-boosting diet with the dark kind (at least 70% cocoa); it contains flavonoids, another class of antioxidants that some research links to brain health. Let us all become healthy by eating veggies. Vegetables don’t just help our body to become healthy, but also our minds. Getting adequate amount of vegetables, especially broccoli, cabbage and dark leafy greens, may help improve memory. Can your diet make you smarter? You bet. Research shows that what you eat is one of the most powerful influences on everyday brain skills. So why don’t we try switching into a good diet? You’ve become healthy not just by body, but also by mind. Some people wonder if a tablet can really help boost a memory. Whether you suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or you just have memory problems, it’s been said that certain vitamins can help or prevent memory loss. There is no miracle cure for a bad memory, but there is still a way to improve it while it’s not yet bad. Research shows that B vitamins improve memory by creating a protective shield for the neurons in the brain. B vitamins break down homocysteine,  which is an amino acid that poisons nerve cells. This vitamin also aid in the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen, an important brain nutrient. Known for its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, this amino acid, Acetyl L-Carnatine (also known as ALCAR) helps with energy production necessary for optimal brain function. Another thing is Gingko Biloba. This herb has been shown to improve blood flow to your organs including your brain. Research concerning its effectiveness is mixed, though som e studies indicated it may improve concentration. Unfortunately, much of the evidence for the popular cures isn’t very strong. Leaving the foods and vitamins aside, let’s check how our habits can help nor destroy our memory condition. Physical fitness and mental fitness go well together. People who get regular exercise also tend to stay mentally sharp in their 70s and 80s. A study from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine concluded that individuals who exercised by walking or by engaging in physically active hobbies had a lower risk for Alzheimers disease. So experts recommend that you build physical activity into your daily routine. Exercising in the morning before going to work not only spikes brain activity and prepares you for mental stresses for the rest of the day, but also produces increase of retention of new information, and better reaction to complex situations. Let’s just consider exercise as a drug. It can be good if is intake moderately. Most of the people believe that memory fades with age. Well, newsflash: it’s just partly true. Memory fades away because as we age, because we lower the activities in involving it. Increase our brainpower by doing mental exercises. Crosswords and Sudoku and variety of board games are proven to improve our memory’s condition. As we play these games, we’re like settling our  memory in a battle field to train, and be strong. As long as we live, we must not stop learning. Although people vary widely in their individual sleep needs, research suggests that six to eight  hours of sleep a night is ideal to improve our memory. Our memory gets tired too. Findings suggest that getting an average amount of sleep, may help maintain memory in later life. Both too much and too little aren’t good. Aim for the right amount. Social interaction is a key ingredient—along with proper nutrition,physical exercise, brain training, and  lifelong learning—in the recipe for cognitive sharpness. Socializing can be a challenge for people who live alone, but everyone must have a social life no matter where they live or how they feel. You don’t have to have numerous social events on the calendar or go to a party just to socialize. Simply talking to them is. Being with other people is good for your health and also for your memory. We’re not meant to survive alone. Relationships stimulate our brains—in fact, interacting with others may be the best kind of brain exercise. In one recent study from the Harvard School of Public Health, for example, researchers found that people with the most active social lives had the slowest rate of memory decline. This won’t be a hard thing to do since we’re talking in our everyday lives. Isn’t it simple?

Friday, October 25, 2019

Light vs. Dark in Heart of Darkness Essay -- Heart Darkness Conrad Ess

Light vs. Dark in Heart of Darkness The realism movement of the late nineteenth century produced works in literature that were marked by reduced sentimentality and increased objectivity. The goal was to let details tell the story, and remove noticeable bias of the author through scientific and detailed descriptions. While this form of storytelling undoubtedly is most accurate, it creates difficulties for authors to incorporate their themes into the story. This resulted in an increase in symbolism in realist works. The objects and descriptions within the story are the author’s vehicle for displaying the values and themes of the work. Light and darkness are symbols commonly used in literature, and have held specific symbolic meanings for hundreds of years. Simply stated, light commonly symbolizes good, while darkness symbolizes its antithesis - evil. (Cooper) For centuries light vs. dark has been quite possibly the most common symbol in all literature. In Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad uses detail to crea te a feeling that transcends the literal text - most notably through his use of light and dark and the inversion of their traditional meanings. The end goal of this inversion is the establishment of the theme that not everything is as it seems. More specifically, Conrad uses detailed imagery of light and dark to show often times white men can be more savage than the natives. The use of darkness in the title of Conrad’s work immediately alludes to it’s relevance to the story, but in an unexpected way. While the contrast of light and dark, white and black, and good and evil is a common theme in his novella, Conrad essentially reverses the meanings of the two. Conrad’s story is about the penetration of a corru... ...Conrad removes Marlow’s bias, but through the inclusion of careful details he is able to establish his themes. The cruelty of white man to the natives, appearances being deceiving, the nobility of the Africans – all are clear messages of this text that come across not from Marlow’s opinion, but rather the careful inclusion of details and symbolism. No bigger symbol helps Conrad reinforce his theme than the continuous battle of light and dark, and his use of the two is the cornerstone from which he builds meaning from symbolism. Works Cited Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Ed. David Damrosch, New York: Pearson. Copyright 2004. (pp. 948-1001) Cooper, J.C. An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Traditional Symbols. London: Thames and Hudson. Copyright 1987.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The chief object of satire in ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ is Gulliver himself

Frequently, at the time of writing, literature was used as a political tool. It was used to send messages, make people think, and to make subversive criticism of monarchy, political parties, or religious factions. To do this effectively, the author uses much satire and irony throughout the novel. The whole of Gulliver's Travels is ironical. The Englishman in the strange land surrounded by miniature beings is no more than an outsider. In the first book, the reader sees themselves as one of these miniature beings. In the second book Gulliver is overwhelmingly human, with human weakness, distorting the truth, and human strengths, the positive oration. In the last book the situational satire moves beyond our feeling comfortable with it. In this book there is a complete transposition of horse and man. We see a civilisation that is pure and rational. Fraud, deceit, illness, or greet have not influenced it. Jonathan Swift writes of all social injustices and personal discomfort. Often the writing is with biting sarcasm but sometimes with violent explosions of anger, frequently with quiet ridicule. However he does this, the intention is the same and he urges the reader to really think about the effect of these views. The author intends that even the most far-fetched of his characters is meant to remind the reader of human weaknesses; lust, barbarism, pride and conceit. Often, Swift gives the reader direct comparisons. Two good examples of these are the people in the Court at Lilliput and their antics to procure promotion, and the people in the Academy at Lagado and their time consuming and worthless research. As the reader travels through each book the humanity becomes more degenerate and despicable and the reader is left to face himself or herself in the Yahoo, whereas the well-bred horse portrays the superior, sensitive, intelligent and virtuous characteristics. In the world of Lilliput we view with some amusement how meaningless the lives at court are. The ceremonies become silly, the awarding of honours meaningless, and the political differences completely comic when we consider such rivalry over which end an egg is eaten from. The whole ‘seriousness' of Lilliput is reduced to merely a sideshow where the reader sees the action for what it really is; nonsense. An alternative environment, that is Brobdingnag, suggests a complete contrast. The tiny become giants and we see things from exactly the opposite perspective. The close-up pictures of skin, nipples and food repulse the reader and we are left to question how we judge beauty and elegance. Other people become physically unattractive to Gulliver in Brobdingnag, just as he himself became socially and intellectually unattractive in Lilliput. In the former, the characters and ridiculed, in the latter it is a society as a whole which is held up to the ridicule. Ironically, now Gulliver is twelve times smaller, it is his people who are ridiculed by the King of Brobdingnag, just as he, Gulliver, has ridiculed the antics of the Lilliputians. Books one and two reverse the perspectives completely. Gulliver is a Brobdingnagian in Lilliput. Here among miniature men he witnesses their spite and envy. Contrary to this, Gulliver is a Lilliputian in Brobdingnag and witnesses, despite his fears, the generosity and benevolence of the giants. Indeed it is only in this book where Gulliver holds a tender relationship with Glumdalclitch, in an ‘Alice in Wonderland' kind of way. The use of the sizing up and down by a factor of twelve demonstrates the inconsequence of size and focuses us back to the fact that we are what we believe, not how we eat or live in physical term. Only wisdom, integrity, honesty and loyalty are independent of size. In book three Swift turns his attention to these virtues or lack of them. The focus of Laputa is intellectual and cognitive. In book three the reader needs to consider four main areas of satire. Swift attacks the false learning and bizarre research by making the projectors eccentric and obsessive. He uses the oppression of Balnibari by Laputa to remind the reader of Anglo-Irish issues. He refers to unrewarded efforts and political corruption and even the desire for eternal life by using the Struldbuggs. In the fourth book the reader is given a contrast, awful in its extremities. The human Yahoo with its bestiality is compared to the horse-like Houhunhnms who display virtues far above those observed in human society. The satire in this book is aimed at the Yahoos: Swift uses them as a device to explain how awful the human race really is. The comparisons are individual and in political groups. The comparisons are frequently odious, and in some cases indecent. Swift uses all of skills in his power to demonstrate the gross behaviour or the human being. Gulliver himself plays a more prominent part in Books one and two. He is treated ceremoniously and with high regard by the Lilliputians, and with affection by the Brobdingnagians who regard him almost as an interesting pet. The high regard held by the Lilliputians is not seen in book three where the Laputans quite simply ignore him. The only interaction he has in book three is with the academics of Lagardo, and then only to demonstrate the magical understanding these people seem to have of life and logic. By book four, Gulliver is looked upon suspiciously, almost with disgust as he is regarded as a kind of Yahoo. Gulliver is portrayed as an honest, educated man determined to earn a living as a ship's surgeon at sea. He is philosophical about the adventures and mishaps he encounters. He faces the new and wonderful people with genuine interest and relays details refreshingly and without malice. It is Gulliver's attention to detail with gives the reader an insight into the wonderful worlds that Gulliver visits. We see, hear and experience through Gulliver's senses. It is this which helps us to decide very effectively about Gulliver's personality, his likes and dislikes, his joys and fears, his morality and political preferences. Gulliver has a sense of honour; he has left his family in order to provide for them. He is reminded of his oath to the Emperor and feels embarrassed when he is publicly displayed. His respect for royalty is witnessed with his dealings with the princess. Gulliver gently kisses her hand and bends low. This is linked with his sense of patriotism; for Gulliver, England is best. When he explains to the King about England, he tends to ignore the weaknesses of the English system of law and government. We know Gulliver is interested by politics, frequently holding conversations on biased appointments, irrelevant wars and dishonest elections. We also learn he has anti-militaristic views and is especially critical of people who fight simply for money. Yet despite this view we learn that Gulliver himself must have been trained to use hand sword, staff and pistols because he uses all these effectively on his journeys. Gulliver is above all else a good conversationalist, always ready to ask and answer questions, he has an enquiring mind and is keen to learn. This is evidenced by his learning new languages, his ability to make accurate measurements and his interest in history. Gulliver takes easily to all spheres of society, whether it be Emperor or King, tradesman or servant. He is always ready to give helpful advice and help with problems where he thinks it will be valued. If the reader has one criticism of Gulliver, it is that he does not seem to have deep affection for his wife and child. The reader is told in book four ‘I left my poor wife big with child' and when he returns home she kisses him and Gulliver is appalled, ‘having not been used to the touch of that odious animal for many years'. Indeed, he clearly leaves the adventures for a warm relationship with the inhabitants of his stable. About his groom, Gulliver says ‘I feel my spirits revived by the smell he contracts in the stable'. Gulliver is used as narrator; his view is innocent, unemotional, clearly focused and unambiguous. At the same time as the observations we are allowed an insight into Gulliver's (or Swift's) opinions. Gulliver, educated and rational, inspires out confidence from the first. He supplies the reader with detailed observations that add to the verisimilitude of the plot. Generally he portrays the scene in a positive light, and wishes to be perceived in the same way; an example of this is when Gulliver displays his clemency by sparing the ruffians and is commended for his actions at court. Gulliver has impeccable and genteel manners, made laughable by the differences in size in both Lilliput and Brobdingnag. Swift uses Gulliver as an example of a ‘good' human being, but throughout the book we are continually asked to question how good human beings really are. Gulliver horrifies the King with the secret of gunpowder yet is horrified that promotions in Lilliput rely on whether the applicant has gymnastic skills. In Book four it is Yahoo skins Gulliver uses for his canoe not the horse skins in common use by his civilisation. Swift uses Gulliver to deny accusations or to embarrassingly embellish an argument only to give us an even clearer understanding of the human frailties being portrayed. So the ‘innocent' Gulliver is used as a catalyst to allow the reader a deeper understanding of issues. An example of this is clothing, which is all that distinguishes Gulliver from the Yahoo. Gulliver is used to deliver a technique or verbal irony. In Book one, we are told of the Emperor's qualities, all of which are the opposite of George's characteristics. In Book two Gulliver's praise of his country is overexaggerated, and therefore lacks credibility. Very often one seemingly credible paragraph is followed by another, which makes us reconsider what we have already read. This is a particular device in Book four which engages the reader to reflect upon what they have read. An example of this is when Gulliver explains what horses are used for in England, and in doing so, shocks the Houyhnhnms. Gulliver is also used to shock and embarrass the reader. Gulliver urinates and moves his bowels all in graphic detail. He describes his being stripped naked and riding upon one of the nipples of a Maid of Honour. He describes the texture of skin and obscene eating habits in magnified detail and culminates in a graphic portrayal of the yahoos. Swift makes us stop to reflect upon the unspoken natural moments of our lives which link us to animals more than we care to admit. Indeed most readers identify, as Gulliver did, with the Houyhnhnms. This must be the absolute irony, as irony is impossible in the Houyhnhnms' society because ‘the thing which is not' is not meant as a deception. In book four the satirical ingredient is sarcasm and the grey ‘master' frequently uses this. He describes the Yahoo as ‘a sort of animal'.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Children Parents and Family needs Essay

E1 Explain the needs of families which may require professional support. Families may have a variety of needs, in which they need professional support. Families with a large number of children may not have the required amount of living space, this could mean that children are sharing beds, or parents are not sleeping in a room. Children will lack of sleep are proven to concentrate less and develop slower. Families that are suffering with poverty may not be able to afford a house or afford to pay the bills. This is where the family will gain financial support such as housing benefits, their council tax will be paid for them leaving them to pay for water, gas and electricity. Sometimes this help still isn’t enough so families go without heating or hot water meaning they aren’t meeting their basic care needs. Within the community there will be many areas that will offer families in this situation help. They include, sure start centres, food banks, the church and other families. Families in this situation benefit from living in an inclusive community, where the area is safe and free of crime, be it anti-social behaviour of elders or racial harassment. Most areas have community support officers that the children will get introduced to in school or when out on the streets playing. If a family is new to the area and are of a different culture they may struggle to gain help, due to harassment, or lack of communication, be it language problems, or no phone. Money seems to be the main cause of most of the needs that require help. E2 Explain the issues which may lead to stress in families. There are many issues which may lead to or cause stress in a family, these can include, bereavement, new arrivals, a disabled family member, unemployment and poverty. Bereavement has a huge impact on children as well as adults; however children don’t always show that they are being affected. Bereavement will affect the family in different ways depending on who has passed on. If the deceased is a strong main family member, such as a sibling or a main carer the child will be affected hugely, this will have an effect on their whole routine. This could be because they are used to looking that person, or they are used to that person looking after them. A new arrival can cause stress throughout the family, between the primary carers and between siblings, maybe even between children and carers. A baby causes stress between all relationships in a family. The primary carers may begin to argue this is because the child has taken over their day; they may become tiered meaning their mood changes and arguments crop up. The other children in the family may feel left out and start to resent the new arrival. This can cause older children to start misbehaving and younger children may hurt the new baby. A disabled family member will cause stress between the family members, this could be through others interfering, or members feeling left out. When a disabled family member needs a lot of care and attention it takes over the families routine. When the main carers become unemployed it causes stress between them and throughout the family. A change I routine can affect all the family as well as the person becoming unemployed. If that person’s income was used to pay bills then the family may become homeless, they may have to live in a shelter or even worse the streets. Poverty causes stress on all the family they will start to cut back on privileges, this can cause bullying in schools when mufti-day is concerned. E3 Explain the role of parents in children’s play and identify appropriate resources and toys. The parent’s role is to keep the child safe and give them many play opportunities throughout the day. This will differ and change regarding the child’s age and abilities. The child will develop at their own speed meaning that they will need different resources to encourage development. It is believed that children learn best through play so neglecting the child of play is potentially stopping the child from learning healthily. It is important that the resources are age appropriate for the children; this is for health and safety mostly due to small parts which may lead to choking. It is important that the toys are working properly too, as if the toy is supposed to talk out loud and flash the child will not be getting the most out of the toy and will lose interest meaning they will not develop. In the first few months of a baby’s life, when they can’t sit up or pick up objects babies like things that sing and move such as mobiles. It is good to look for mobiles with high-contrast colours and patterns. Many babies are particularly fond of mobiles that play music. Small hand held toys such as rattles are good at this age as they will learn if they move their hand they are making the noise. Having soft music or nursery rhymes playing when interacting with the child will allow the parent to see how the baby responds to music. Babies like to see their own refection so a plastic mirror allows them to play safely. Soft books with sensory sections are good for babies to explore, at this age it is usually with their mouths instead of their fingers however if it’s noisy they will scrunch the book to make noise. As they get older (6 months) the baby will have new needs and parents should fulfil them to the best they can. Babies enjoy play mats and activity bars. These usually contain toys that dangle above the child of are around the child when they are lying down this will encourage physical development. Activity bars are good for playing on the move in cars or in prams. Teddy’s become more of a comfort if the child has it constantly so that when they are going somewhere different they have a home comfort which is familiar to them. Rubber toys such as ducks will allow children to chew and explore whilst providing entertainment when squeaking if being gripped. Thick hard board books will allow children to help try and turn pages and they will enjoy listening to the story as well as looking at pictures. At 12 months the baby will start to move more they will have gain a lot of strength in their arms and legs and toys such as large building bricks; push and pull toys; sorting and nesting toys; climbing gyms; balls; crayons; ride on toys; kitchens and picture books. E4 Describe the benefits of communication between children, parents and practitioners. It is beneficial to children, parents and practitioners to have good communication and a professional relationship. This can be good because sometimes parents feel left out and feel they are not making decisions on their child’s life. These decisions can be what they do, what they eat, whether they learn about different cultures if they are involved in lessons such as sex education and lessons involving celebrations such as Christmas and Easter. If a family had a different cultural background their beliefs may be different, meaning that their family may not want them to learn or take part in festive activities. Some cultures have certain food that they can’t eat this is important that it is shared with setting so that we can respect their wishes and uphold their religions to the best we can. By respecting the family practitioners can keep the consistency of care the child is receiving at home. Meaning confusion is unlikely. Practitioners should have good relationships with the children in their setting, if that child is one of their key children it is important that the practitioner builds a relationship of trust so that the child can come to them with any problem or difficulty they may be having. Communication can be in person, however sometimes parents do not have the same language as we do so in this case letter form in their mother tongue is useful. My setting have a baby book that they send home each night giving the parent the information they need such as what they have done, what they have eaten, their bowel movements, how much they have slept and if they have had any injuries, they will also be given a copy of the accident form. E5 Discuss skills and strategies which are effective in supporting families. There are many ways in which settings can support families effectively. Setting can support families by communicating with them as and when needed they can keep them updated on their child’s progress and what is happening by, text, email, letter, newsletter and some will do it in person. Families can also communicate with settings so that they can request they support they need. This can be for a short period of time or long term due to the seriousness of the issue. Providing suitable resources such as books or story sacks will mean that the setting is supporting the family help the child learn at home. This is by allowing children to take home stories to read or by giving them the story sack so have a play with. Story sacks can help when the child is learning a new story such a little red riding hood. In the sack will be toys that will allow them to play and re-enact the story. They can sometimes be given maths activities and games if the child is lacking in a certain area making their learning fun for all the family. Settings can also introduce new services to the family if they require extra help; these can include family support officers, social workers and psychiatrists. This can be for many reasons but will be initially to support the family. E6 Describe the types of support and information available to parents and families. C1 Evaluate the types of support which will enable parents to meet the needs of their children- â€Å"We have defined ‘family support’ as all services which aim to promote family wellbeing by improving relationships in families and improving standards of living.†(Bruce.T. pg 32 2007) Children’s centres were providing a wide range of such services: home visiting, parenting courses, drop-ins, support groups, family learning activities, adult education and employment support. There are numerous amounts of support and information available for families. This will differ according to required help. All families will have support workers however not all of the families will have social workers. Social workers are used for families that may have difficulties, such as child with disabilities or families where a parent is in or just out of prison or families where the child is lacking in development massively. Families will be offered sure start places, where they will learn new strategies and will be able to talk to other new parents. This is also good for the babies as they can interact with each other and learn how to play and share. The sure start centre by me offers mingle and munch with stay and play from 9.15am- 11.30 followed by bring your own lunch and eat at the centre from quarter to twelve to twenty five minutes past twelve. There is also a stay and play group for two hours on a week day afternoon. They offer families early child care which is affordable, employment and training for families with young children; family support such as home visits, support for parents, information and guidance on parenting and specialist support for families. They offer health services – Anti natal advice, midwife sessions, dental care, speech therapists, breastfeeding, health and safety and help with healthy lifestyles. Sure start centers have many positive points these being, local flexibility, services including outreach and home visiting, family support and good quality play, learning and childcare facilities. Some negatives are that some people feel sure start is there to help people that are lacking in care for children, so they are put off. A toy library lends or hires out toys, puzzles, and games, functioning either as a rental shop or a form of family resource program. Toy libraries offer play sessions for families and a wide range of toys appropriate for children at different stages in their development. Toy libraries provide children with new toys every week or two, saving parents money and keeping children from getting bored. Positive reasons for toy libraries are that they allow families to rent and borrow toys so that the children can play with their new interests this can also allow them to develop while the parent saves money to buy them new age appropriate toys to help them develop also some children have short interests so to buy the toys would be a waste if they only get played with once. A child I know took an interest in dolls and prams, so they borrowed one from the toy library which he played with twice and has never shown interest again. Negatives, is that sometime it’s a struggle to get to the library; some parents may be put off as they think it’s not clean and it looks like they can’t provide for their children. If it is a puzzle maybe there are pieces missing, this should be checked but may have been missed. Some children can’t borrow what they want as others already have, and if they brake the toy that child misses out. E7 Explain the role of the practitioner in supporting families- The role of the practitioner in supporting families is to give them all the help and advice you can. When doing this it is important that practitioners respect the codes of confidentiality both ways not speaking about what they have been told unless it is a concern and not telling them information they don’t need to know, this could be about other children, parents or staff. The practitioner’s job is to care for the child and insuring their welfare is paramount. They will do this by observing the child on a regular basis. This is the most important job. To do these practitioners will attend meeting to discuss anything they have concerns about, be it their health or development. If their concerns are put further they will have to attend multi-agency team meetings which will have other professional in to discuss what should happen with the child. â€Å"The Children Act 1989 has influenced setting by bringing together several sets of guidance and provided the foundation for many of the standards practitioners sustain and maintain when working with children.†(Meggit, pg376 2012) The Act requires that settings work together in the best interests of the child and that they form partnerships with parents /carers. It requires settings to have appropriate adult: child ratios and policies and procedures on child protection. This Act has had an influence in all areas of practice from planning a curriculum and record keeping. D1 Describe how the practitioner can recognise when children and adults may be experiencing problems. The practitioner can recognise problems with children if they have looked after them for a long time the children are very familiar to them. They will notice if the child is unhappy or troubled, this can be shown through behavior, lack of interest, be it food or activities. A child will also show their problems through observations; this can be attitude and behavior changes. If the child has emotional stress they will show it through crying, or sometimes through playing, it could be shown in the role play area or just in chit chat with their friends. They will see problems in adults in various ways. If the family are starting to have financial problems this may be shown through cheques bouncing. If there are other problems at home, parents may come in looking upset, tiered, and hot and bothered. Practitioners can tell a lot by someone’s body language and their facial expressions. D2 Discuss TWO (2) strategies which parents can use for promoting positive behaviour in children. Parents have a range of different strategies for promoting positive behaviour; these include reward charts and time out. Reward charts can be for numerous reasons meaning you can reward them for doing more than one thing. This promotes all types of positive behaviours like using manners, eating all their lunch, tidying their toys, not having an accident, and going to bed at night. The idea is that once they have filled their reward chart they can do something they enjoy. It is important not to take the stickers off them as they will think they are never going to fill it. All theorist believe in praising and rewarding good behaviour. Time out is an effective way of disposing of bad behaviour this is done usually by the same rules. 1st telling the child that it is unwanted behaviour and it is not acceptable, 2nd warning the child that if they do it again they will be put on time out, and 3rd following through and putting them in time out. Parents will then go to them after the correct time and ask them for an apology, if they apologise properly it is suggested that they have a kiss and a cuddle to show that they have been forgiven. However if they don’t apologise they should remain in time out till they realise their behaviour is unacceptable. Many child behaviour theorists support this such as Jo Frost. B1 Analyse some key issues for professionals working in support of families. The key issues for all professionals are building a trusting relationship with the families this is not just with the parents but with the children too, this is so that they can talk to them in confidence about any troubles and concerns they may have when they are given the information practitioner must not break the trust and be confidential with the information unless they feel it needs to be looked in to. Practitioners need to make sure they are not showing any judgements on the family, if judgments are made and are spoken this could lead to the relationship failing and communication dropped if this happens in a setting we cannot make sure the child’s welfare is ok. Language barriers can occur in different ways, these being if they speak a foreign language and if they don’t have an education in your area of profession such as telling a parent you are an EYP will be like talking to them in French they won’t understand. It is important to be clear to all the family and all the other professionals involved. If the multi-professional team is involved in supporting the family there can be many issues the family have, they may become confused as although they are working to the same aim they are pushing their own area of work more, however this might not be the best option for the child. The parents of the child will become overloaded with information and they may become confused. Families working with the multi-agency team will have many areas of professions working alongside each other to get the child on the right tracks however all the areas are completely different so they will be asking a lot all at once. This will be a lot to take in and parents may feel like there is too much to do. A1 Reflect on the benefits to children, parents, families and practitioners from working in partnership When parents are working in partnership with practitioners it mean they are working towards the same aim as each other. This is important as children are easily confused. If parents are involved in planning it means that they know what is happening in their child’s life at nursery, this is good if the child is too young to talk or has communication problems. It is important to have a good, but professional relationship with the family members of the child in your care, as a practitioner we need to know what is happening in the child’s life at home so we can meet their individual needs, this will be done as and when it is needed. We need to be aware of what they are able to do, regarding religious beliefs and cultural backgrounds. This is important when we are cooking for the children too; we also need to be kept up to date with any medication they are on, any food allergies, what they are allowed to eat and what they aren’t. Sometimes parents feel they need to compete with the child’s key worker as they both have a strong bond with the child. This is usually when a child is in the care of a practitioner for most of the waking day. If parents have concerns they should speak to the key worker and they can put into place an activity, where they are showing pictures of their family and teaching them who they are, for example mummy and daddy. Parents can be resentful towards the setting if the child does something significant in their care, such as first words or first steps. If practitioners are working in partnership and have a good relationship with the parents they will take this on easier than if they don’t have a very good relationship.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

4 Examples of Recommendation Letters You DONT Want From Counselors

4 Examples of Recommendation Letters You DON'T Want From Counselors SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Since school counselors support students through all four years of high school, they can write some of the best, most personal letters of recommendations. At the same time, they have the added challenge of writing lots, often hundreds, of letters for all the college-bound students on their caseload. While almost all counselor references will comment positively on a student, there can still be bad ones that don't offer a whole lot to a student's college application. Let's look at examples that demonstrate the four most common reasons a recommendation letter is bad: it's impersonal and generic, it's repetitive, it gives no specific examples, or it expresses serious reservations about a student. Bad Recommendation #1: The Generic Letter A generic recommendation letter is probably the most common problem for counselors with large caseloads of students. The following example illustrates animpersonal recommendation letter. Dear Admissions Committee, I'm writing to recommend June for admission to your undergraduate program. I've been her school counselor for the past four years. She is a strong honors student and always does well in her classes. I've heard nothing but good things about June from her teachers. June is a responsible and involved student. She's active in a number of clubs at the school and has contributed positively to our school community. June challenges herself in her classes and gets along well with her peers. She's a motivated, reliable, and driven student who applies herself to all her endeavors. June has earned a 3.71 GPA. Her dedication to her academics has impressed all of us at the high school, and I'm confident that she will continue to demonstrate the same commitment at college. June balances her time well among her many responsibilities and is curious about a diverse range of subjects. I look forward to seeing her continue to explore her interests and delve deeply into her passions. In closing, I highly recommend June for admission to your college. She's intelligent, active, and curious. For any further information, please contact me Sincerely, Ms. Smith So what exactly makes this letter come off asgeneric, and why is that so bad for a rec letter? The Break Down This letter doesn't really say anything unique about June. In fact, if you just plugged in a different name, checked your pronouns, and adjusted the GPA, it could be a generic letter aboutany number of students. Admissions officers can tell pretty easily if a rec letter seems like a form letter with only the student's name and a few personalizing details plugged in. While a letter like this technically fulfills the recommendation requirement, it doesn't fulfill its role in the application, which is toreveal something insightful and personalabout the student and differentiate her from other applicants. This letter uses boring, tired language and doesn't go beyond cliches. June is "responsible, involved, and active," but so might be all the other competing applicants.What makes her unique?What specific examples can her counselor give to impart a meaningful assessment of June's academic and personal strengths? Finally, this letter does little to hone in on specific interests of June's. While it's not uncommon for students to go into college undecided, it's still important to talk about their particularinterests and goals.June is "curious about a diverse range of subjects," but what moves her? What has she exceled in or pursued? What does she enjoy doing? Since this letter lacks impactful language, specific examples, and insightful personal details, itstays on the surfaceand reads like a generic form letter. This kind of letter won't stand out to admissions officers, and it doesn't suggest that June and her counselor had a familiar relationship. Admissions officers may not pay much attention to this letter, which is a serious drawback compared to another student's application with a glowing counselor rec. Another type of bad recommendation letter that comes off as impersonal is one that predominantlyreports facts and figures.While it may use more positive language, like in the following example, it still comes off as distant and unsupported by anything beyond the student's resume. Bad Recommendation #2:The Resume-Repeating Letter This next example may be complimentary, but notice how it mostly justturns the bulletpoints on the student's resume into full sentences.This type of letter could be written by anyone with a copy of Ben's academic and extracurricular record. Dear Admissions Committee, It's my pleasure to recommend Ben for admission to your undergraduate program. I've gotten to know Ben over the past four years as his school counselor. Having earned a 3.8 GPA, he has risen to the top 20% of his class. His excellence in academics and involvement in a number of clubs and sports has made him an asset to our school community. As a member of the National Honors Society, Ben has achieved strong grades throughout high school in a range of classes, including AP classes in World History, Chemistry, and French. As part of his community service, Ben helps other students improve their grades and study skills with one on one tutoring after school in the library. While Ben's a strong, hard-working student, he also achieves outside of the classroom. Ben has played on the soccer team since freshman year, earning the title of Most Valuable Player in th grade. While practice and games keep him busy, he is also active in French Club. A self-described francophile, Ben has won the French language award two years in a row and practiced his language skills on the class trip to France in 2013. After returning from the trip, he presented photographs at a show at the local library and won 2nd place for Best Landscape. All this while working part-time as a cashier at a local bookstore sophomore and junior year. Ben impresses everyone he knows with his accomplishments. I'm confident that he will continue to excel in college. He has my strong recommendation. For any further information, please feel free to contact me Sincerely, Mr. Sencillo Overall, I would say this letter leaves a better impression than the first one. At least it can't be applied to almost any other student. But it still falls short on a number of fronts. Let's break down exactly how this letter misses the mark. The Break Down This letter leaves a better impression than the initial generic one, but it doesn't go beyond what Bendoesto reveal who Benis.Admissions officers want to get a deeper glimpse into thecharacterof each applicant. They already know what a student does based on his application. They're hoping the recommendation will illuminate why he's made the choices that he has. A recommender could shed light on this by discussing a student'svalues, motivations, goals, and strengths. In this letter, Ben seems to have a special affinity for French culture and language. He also enjoys photography. Tomake the letter more personal,the counselor could talk about how Ben became a "francophile" and what this may mean for his future study and profession. Does he consider himself an artist? Does he love landscape photography as a way to express his admiration of the great outdoors? Ben sounds like an interesting, dynamic individual, but this letterleaves the reader wanting more.It should fill in the blanks and give a more holistic vision of Ben as a student and person. Someone reading this letter should have a much clearer sense of who Ben is, even without meeting him in person. One easy way to see that a letter probably has too much data and not enough real, deep assessment is by looking for numbers. Ben's relatively short letter includes a lot of numbers: 3.8 GPA, top 20%, th grade, 2013, 2nd place, for instance. These come off as data points. While they're accurate, theyconvey technical informationrather than meaningful examples of Ben's character. To truly communicate a holistic assessment of an applicant, a letter shouldgo beyond the facts.This next example actually has the opposite problem. It describes the candidate with glowing adjectives, but offers little to no evidence to back up its complimentary assessment. This writer seems to want admissions officers to just take her word for it. We're going to need to see some examples of your work. Bad Recommendation #3:The "Just Take My Word for It" Letter This letter uses more specific, powerful language than the first two to endorse the student. However, itgives few examplesto illustrate its points. Just as students need to dig below the surface in their personal essays, recommenders should give meaningful examples in their letters. This letter merely describes, when it also needs to demonstrate. Dear Admissions Committee, It is my pleasure to recommend Gina for admission to your college. As her school counselor for the past four years, I've watched Gina grow into a mature, compassionate, and dynamic young woman. I'm happy to give her my highest recommendation for this exciting next chapter in her life. Gina is an intelligent and hard-working student who has impressed her teachers with her curiosity and dedication. She's especially interested in literature and poetry and contributes her writing to the school literary magazine. Gina is interested in majoring in English next year and continuing to hone her craft. In addition to being a motivated student, Gina gets along well with others and is a caring friend. She has a kind nature and genuinely cares for those around her. She never has a bad word to say about anyone and is the first to lend a helping hand in a tough situation. Gina's open-minded, amiable personality makes her an asset to classroom discussions. She works and gets along well with others and has impressive interpersonal and social skills. In closing, Gina is a caring, motivated student and friend, and she has my highest recommendation. I'm confident that she will be a great success in her college community. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Sincerely, Ms. Honey Ms. Honey seems to think very highly of Gina. Unfortunately, her letter might not go too far in boosting Gina's chances of admission. Let's go over why it's not so effective. The Break Down This letter represents the flip side of the "resume-repeating letter" in that it'sall assessment and few facts or examples.The writer calls Gina caring, compassionate, mature, curious, and open-minded, but she gives few examples to support her characterization. The only concrete piece of information that the writer gives is that Gina likes literature and writes for the school literary magazine. The writer should provide specific stories about Gina thatillustrateher compassion, maturity, or curiosity. When was she "the first to lend a helping hand"? What does she write about for the magazine? How has she shown her counselor her impressive interpersonal skills? This letter would be a lot more memorable, not to mention believable, if it described circumstances or observations in which Ginademonstrated these personal qualities.Without them, it loses impact and meaning and pales in comparison to more specific, supported recommendation letters. Finally, this last example suggests that the counselor had a lot of reservations about recommending her student. While recommenders should present a balanced assessment, focusing on the reservations without presenting sufficient strengths wouldn't be helpful for a student's application. Bad Recommendation #4:Recommended, with Reservations Admissions officers have a lot of experience reading hundreds or thousands of recommendation letters. They can read between the lines and pick up on subtleties. If a counselor usesa lot of loaded phrases that express hesitationabout a student, without balancing them out with a student's strengths, then the letter could come off as negative overall, like in the following example: Dear Admissions Committee, I am writing to recommend Charlie for admission to your college. As his school counselor for the past four years, I've watched Charlie come a long way after a rocky freshman year. I'm confident in his potential to apply himself at college and to continue to grow as a student. Charlie is motivated to continue his education next year. He's especially interested in the sciences and is considering majoring in Biology. His th grade biology teacher noted Charlie's effort and improvement over the year. Charlie is drawn to cellular biology and has expressed interest in working in a research lab. Charlie played drums in the school band in junior year. He enjoyed performing at school concerts. This year he's recommitted himself to focusing on his academics and sharpening his study skills to prepare for the demands of college. I'm impressed with Charlie's hard work and am confident that he will continue to grow and mature in the years to come. I recommend Charlie for admission to your program. He's a hard-working student with a tremendous amount of potential. Please be in touch with any questions. Sincerely, Ms. Collins It's not necessarily a bad thing to speak to a student's potential and room to grow in a recommendation letter, but where does this example fall short? The Break Down This letter focuses almost entirely on Charlie's growth in the future, without saying very much about what he's done so far. It does suggest growth and progress on his part, but theoverall emphasisis on how much further Charlie still has to improve. Ms. Collins talks about his potential so many times without presenting much that's positive about hiscurrent strengths.Even if he has struggled academically, she could talk about his personal qualities, character, relationships with others, or involvement at the school. Because she seems like she's grasping for things to say about Charlie, this letter barely fulfills its role as arecommendation. Instead, it comes off more like a word of caution. These four examples illustrate the most common reasons why a counselor letter of recommendation could miss the mark. Besides being generic, data driven, unspecific, or full of reservations, what other features can weaken letters of recommendation for college? What Else Makes a Recommendation Letter Bad? Some other features that would drag down a recommendation letter include, It's too short.Letters should be a full page. Any shorter than this wouldn't convey enough information, and it would suggest that the recommender wasn't motivated to put much time or thought into it. It's not proofread.Errors of grammar or spelling give that same impression of carelessness and lack of investment in helping the student. It's not customized to the college or program.Actually, a lot of teachers and counselors upload the same letter to the Common Application for students to send to all their colleges. However, if a student is set on a particular program or an especially selective college, like Harvard, then the recommendation letter could be strengthened by speaking specifically to the student's fit with that program or school. Some of these issues are easy to avoid. Proofread your letters to make sure there are no grammatical errors or inaccuracies. Brainstorm before writing to make sure you have enough material to provide a full portrait of the student. Rather than listing every accomplishment a student has ever made, a stronger letterhighlights a few key interests and goalsof the student's. That way it's focused and specific. Students should share detailed "brag sheets" and talk to their counselors to make sure their counselors have all the information. They shouldshare what would go into their ideal letter, like if they want their counselor to highlight their passion for community service, poetry, or engineering. As long as both counselors and students take the time toplan,reflect, and communicate, then bad letters like the ones above can be avoided. Instead, students will get memorable, outstanding, and insightful letters of recommendation for their college applications. What's Next? Are you working with students as a school counselor or college counselor?This in depth guide goes over the steps counselors should take to produce a high quality, outstanding letter of recommendation. Do teacher recs differ from counselor recs at all?Read about what teachers should include in their reference letters for their students. Now that you've read all these examples of bad letters, take time toread the good ones.Here are examples of strong recommendation letters written by counselors and teachers (coming soon). Want to improve your SAT score by 240 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Monday, October 21, 2019

3 Common Errors When Using Numbers

3 Common Errors When Using Numbers 3 Common Errors When Using Numbers 3 Common Errors When Using Numbers By Mark Nichol References to numbers, spelled out or in numeral form, often include erroneous use of hyphens or dashes, as shown in the following examples. Errors are explained and corrected in the discussion and revision that follows each sentence. 1. The US men’s basketball team won seven Olympic gold medals between 1936–68. A dash (not a hyphen) that connects two numbers to represent a range functions as a replacement for from and to, so do not include from before a number range separated by a dash. Between, likewise, should not be paired with a number range, but in this case, retain the word, pairing it with and in place of the dash: â€Å"The US men’s basketball team won seven Olympic gold medals between 1936 and 1968.† (â€Å"The US men’s basketball team won seven Olympic gold medals 1936–68† is not syntactically valid.) 2. Fourteen and fifteen-year-old kids are easily impressionable. When two hyphenated phrasal adjectives are identical except for the first term, the rest of the first phrasal adjective after that term can be elided, with the implication that the balance of the second phrasal adjective serves both of the initial words. However, to signal this sharing, retain the hyphen after the first element: â€Å"Fourteen- and fifteen-year-old kids are easily impressionable.† (Otherwise, the implication is that fourteen kids are easily impressionable, and so are fifteen-year-old kids.) 3. The rockslide occurred when a massive slab measuring fifty-by-eighty-by-fifteen feet broke off from a sheer cliff and went flying down the mountain. When a phrase consisting of two or more numbers separated by by describes the surface area or volume of an object, omit hyphens unless the entire phrase modifies a noun: â€Å"The rockslide occurred when a massive slab measuring fifty by eighty by fifteen feet broke off from a sheer cliff and went flying down the mountain.† (Compare â€Å"The fifty-by-eighty-by-fifteen-foot slab broke off from a sheer cliff and went flying down the mountain.†) The same rule applies when numerals represent the numbers. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Redundant Phrases to AvoidDriver License vs. Driver’s LicenseWhat Is a Doctor?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Effective Speech Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Effective Speech - Assignment Example The opposition to Glenn’s argument is the fact that many people think those who express so much privacy are wrongdoers and have a lot to hide. However, the fact is, everyone has things that they do privately to avoid the judging eyes of the public. There are instincts that make people uncomfortable without privacy. The privacy is required by everyone because it is human nature.He related his topic to me by addressing it directly to the audience that back in our minds we know we cannot do without privacy. We all need to be protected from the judging eyes of many who have opinions that are different from ours. That way I was able to analyze myself and realized that his point was right.His most persuasive evidence was the fact that nobody was ever willing to disclose their private information and security passwords to their emails and other private networks. His unique facts were that when everyone has the mindset that someone could be watching them, they tend to be more obedient and do the right as compared to when people are in private. To support that point, he quoted sayings from re-known people, for example, a quote that says whoever does not move does not notice this change.From Glenn’s speech, I will take away the delivery style to help in strengthening my argument, content, and delivery in my persuasive speech. His good style helps to make sure everyone understands his ideas. He also tries his best to maintain the attention of the audience. He uses the best tone to drive his message home.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Case Study - Drotos Theaters (Auditing) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Case Study - Drotos Theaters (Auditing) - Essay Example An evaluation of the manual and computerized control activities found that the computerized accounting system is accessed only when the controller posts the journal entries into the financial accounting system. Since the computerized system does not aid in the detection of miscalculations or frauds before the entries are made an incorrect number can easily go undetected and cause a serious accounting problem. The controller is responsible for manually depositing cash and recording transactions. Delegating these two important duties to the same person leaves the company with no system of internal control. The cashiers collect cash at the box office and issue tickets to customers. The company does not specify how the cashiers are accountable for the cash they collect and the tickets that they issue. The cashiers are the first point of contact between the customers and company’s cash transaction and therefore it is crucial to ensure that this transaction has a fool-proof control system. Since the ticket taker manually collects tickets it is not guaranteed that they will not allow unauthorized persons into the theater. There are many internal controls which are not present in the existing system. The controller cannot be responsible for recording the transactions and depositing money into the bank account. The controller can easily adjust the deposited amount and recorded amount according to how they see fit causing a serious lack of internal control.

Team Performance and Technology-Sheila Coursework

Team Performance and Technology-Sheila - Coursework Example In the context below certain modes of technologies are discussed to help enhance the performance of globally distributed teams. These are offices that are run online and they enable members situated in different parts of the globe to communicate and share official documents as if they were in the same office at that exact time that will help boost the performance of the teams. The technology uses advanced software that enables the members communicate from even within far places. Immediately a member gets online the other members get notified and this makes it easier to post questions and suggestions on certain projects worked on solely by a certain member (Bass, 2014). An example of this type of technology is the Groove Virtual Office where the members or workers tend to share information based on their work through online office, since everyone signs in and can provide their projects and other stuffs through mails or instant messages to the office. This engages those across the globe in that they don’t have to be there personally to attend forums or office proceedings and can instead do that on internet and air their views and suggestions that will help in the betterment of the organizations (Breugst, 2012). Groove virtual office has a number of advantages as well as disadvantages. Some of the noticed advantages are that all members are in a position to make follow ups on whatever transpired in their absence having signed into the office late since all the posts made by the other workers are displayed on the conversation thread enabling them to read to get conversant with. The technology is also one of the fastest means since the messages get delivered instantly to the workers mailboxes enabling faster feedback too. A notable disadvantage is that some members may not be able to sign in to the online office due to inadequate internet access in

Applying for Scholarship to attend Trinity Valley college Essay

Applying for to attend Trinity Valley college - Scholarship Essay Example I am, therefore, striving to either complete a two year course in Computer Science or an associate degree (â€Å"Blaine" Clamon II 2012). My studies have been characterized by good grades in the examinations as I have maintained an impressive GPA of 3.25 in addition to perfect school attendance. I have also taken high school lessons in Key Boarding as well as Audio/Video Production. Besides, I also had lessons on Business Law and in all the lessons computers were integral part of the learning process. Therefore, I enjoy working with computers. I am also a community volunteer worker as I usually attend St. Jude’s Catholic Church every Sunday morning and consequently assist the first grade Sunday school teacher with Sunday school duties. The scholarship will help me pursue my dream career at TVCC upon which I anticipate to get a job where I would apply my knowledge and skills obtained. TVCC comes to the fore based on the fact that it is close to my residence and the study plan of the specialty I intend to take suits my career objectives. It is with this noble intention that I have made the decision of approaching your organization with my humble request for scholarship (â€Å"Blaine" Clamon II

Thursday, October 17, 2019

For what cultural critique does Margaret Atwood use the strory of Essay

For what cultural critique does Margaret Atwood use the strory of Pyramus and Thisbe - Essay Example The two are stories of contrast with regard to the ways in which men and women join in union. As a tool for cultural critique, â€Å"Pyramus and Thisbe† differs from 'Marrying the Hangman† in terms of the fundamental motivations of the main characters, in the way love is present and absent, and in the practical and impractical considerations of the characters (Atwood; Ovid) It can be argue that â€Å"Pyramus and Thisbe† serves as an ideal conception of the pure motivations of the characters, which serves as a counterpoint to the pragmatic considerations of the woman who wanted to avoid death at any cost, and made use of a loophole in the law to be spared of the hanging that was her punishment for stealing her master's wife's clothes. Pyramus and Thisbe were the ideal pure and beautiful lovers who simply wanted to be together, and finding that their families and society in general were against their being together, chose to risk their lives rather than live day to day separated by the physical walls and the social walls that kept them apart. This is a true counterpoint, because the actions and the motivations of the two lovers were totally bereft of any practical considerations, and did not even consider the dangers that met them by venturing out into the wilderness and into the dangerous tomb of Ninus. Not fearing death, the lovers in Ovid's poem in fact welcomed death as part of the price that they had to pay for love. Death did not deter them. â€Å"Thou envious wall why art though standing in the way of those who die for love?† (Ovid). There is the sense from the very start that this love was pure, that the motivations of Pyramus and Thisbe were pure, and death was the crucible that tested the purity of those motivations and intentions. In the end they would e true to their word and would take their own lives for love, just as they lamented before the wall, before they agreed to escape and to meet in the tom of Ninus. On the other hand, in contrast to this, we have the poem of Atwood of â€Å"Marrying the Hangman†, where the motivations were of a totally different flavor and source altogether. The woman, sentenced to death by hanging, also wished to be joined to a faceless voice on the other side of a wall, like in Pyramus and Thisbe. On the other hand, where the motivations of the lovers in Ovid were pure and based on love, in â€Å"Marrying the Hangman† the motivation was pure survival. Underneath it is fear, and that fear is the fear of death. It is a base motivation to be sure. The woman was afraid of death and wished to be spared of the fate of the condemned by somehow getting married to a hangman. Because there was no hangman, her only salvation lay in persuading the voice on the other side of the wall to marry her, after first becoming a hangman himself. It is a calculated motivation, far removed from love, and driven wholly by fear. It is also driven by a willingness to accept and to liv e with compromises: â€Å"The hangman is not such a bad fellow. Afterwards he goes to the refrigerator and cleans up the leftovers, though he does not wipe up what he accidentally spills† (Atwood). There is a difference too in the way love is abundant in â€Å"Pyramus and Thisbe† and serves as a stark contrast to its being a secondary consideration in Atwood's poem â€Å"Marrying the Hangman†. From the start in the latter poem we are made to understand that the reason for any union is not love, though they talk about that,

RBSs Internationalization Models Into Mexico As An Emerging Markets Essay

RBSs Internationalization Models Into Mexico As An Emerging Markets Using Country Of Origin Audit 2038 - Essay Example These are all factors and reasons that have necessitated the need for RBS to look for a new international destination where the company can continue its business in the manner that it has done in the British for years. But for the company to succeed with internationalisation, it is important that a market research will be conducted in the targeted market (Subhash, 2006). This market research proposal begins the process of actual market research of Mexico as an emerging market. When the need to adopt sustainability strategies as a means of avoiding possible decline of a product arises on a given market, there are several modalities that can be used to salvage the situation. Paul, Alan and Arun (2014) mentioned that companies can resort to the use of new product development as a means of responding to this situation. Another solution is internationalisation, which finds an entirely new market base for the product or service (Oviatt and McDougall, 2012). As RBS selects the use of internationalisation, there are some important questions that the company has to answer. These questions form the central problem of the research proposal. The first problem has to do with the country-based factors of Mexico that makes it either conducive or challenging for RBS. There is also the problem of banking industry based factors of Mexico that makes the country either conducive or challenging for RBS’s internationalisation ambition. Finally, there is the problem of s electing the best internationalisation model that meets the current internal position of RBS as well as the external factors the company is faced with as it seeks to enter Mexico. With the identified research problems given above, the market research will be performed with the aim of identifying the best means by which RBS can enter the Mexican market with all opportunities

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

For what cultural critique does Margaret Atwood use the strory of Essay

For what cultural critique does Margaret Atwood use the strory of Pyramus and Thisbe - Essay Example The two are stories of contrast with regard to the ways in which men and women join in union. As a tool for cultural critique, â€Å"Pyramus and Thisbe† differs from 'Marrying the Hangman† in terms of the fundamental motivations of the main characters, in the way love is present and absent, and in the practical and impractical considerations of the characters (Atwood; Ovid) It can be argue that â€Å"Pyramus and Thisbe† serves as an ideal conception of the pure motivations of the characters, which serves as a counterpoint to the pragmatic considerations of the woman who wanted to avoid death at any cost, and made use of a loophole in the law to be spared of the hanging that was her punishment for stealing her master's wife's clothes. Pyramus and Thisbe were the ideal pure and beautiful lovers who simply wanted to be together, and finding that their families and society in general were against their being together, chose to risk their lives rather than live day to day separated by the physical walls and the social walls that kept them apart. This is a true counterpoint, because the actions and the motivations of the two lovers were totally bereft of any practical considerations, and did not even consider the dangers that met them by venturing out into the wilderness and into the dangerous tomb of Ninus. Not fearing death, the lovers in Ovid's poem in fact welcomed death as part of the price that they had to pay for love. Death did not deter them. â€Å"Thou envious wall why art though standing in the way of those who die for love?† (Ovid). There is the sense from the very start that this love was pure, that the motivations of Pyramus and Thisbe were pure, and death was the crucible that tested the purity of those motivations and intentions. In the end they would e true to their word and would take their own lives for love, just as they lamented before the wall, before they agreed to escape and to meet in the tom of Ninus. On the other hand, in contrast to this, we have the poem of Atwood of â€Å"Marrying the Hangman†, where the motivations were of a totally different flavor and source altogether. The woman, sentenced to death by hanging, also wished to be joined to a faceless voice on the other side of a wall, like in Pyramus and Thisbe. On the other hand, where the motivations of the lovers in Ovid were pure and based on love, in â€Å"Marrying the Hangman† the motivation was pure survival. Underneath it is fear, and that fear is the fear of death. It is a base motivation to be sure. The woman was afraid of death and wished to be spared of the fate of the condemned by somehow getting married to a hangman. Because there was no hangman, her only salvation lay in persuading the voice on the other side of the wall to marry her, after first becoming a hangman himself. It is a calculated motivation, far removed from love, and driven wholly by fear. It is also driven by a willingness to accept and to liv e with compromises: â€Å"The hangman is not such a bad fellow. Afterwards he goes to the refrigerator and cleans up the leftovers, though he does not wipe up what he accidentally spills† (Atwood). There is a difference too in the way love is abundant in â€Å"Pyramus and Thisbe† and serves as a stark contrast to its being a secondary consideration in Atwood's poem â€Å"Marrying the Hangman†. From the start in the latter poem we are made to understand that the reason for any union is not love, though they talk about that,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Thoughts on THX 1138 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Thoughts on THX 1138 - Research Paper Example The film depicts a dystopian future; workers are mandatory to take drugs to suppress their emotions and sexual desires in the way of their jobs. The plot of the move focuses on the worker THX 1138, a magnum manipulator who works in an operating cell 94107 with hundreds of other people. The plot of the film depicts that THX 1138 did not deliberately choose this job, and he was assigned the job. THX 1138 stops taking the drug and is suddenly influx with the emotion that leads him to a sexual encounter to with his roommate ‘Luh’. When THX is found involved in an emotional and illegal moment of passion, THX is imprisoned by the political dissident ‘Sen’ (Donald Pleasance) before he tries to escape. It is difficult to describe the amazing and fascinating experience in the film as it is focused on the visual and aural details. George Lucas describes the film (THX 1138) as an experience of sight and sound. The underground city of the film portrays everything in the film with the white, stark, bleak and nothing. All characters in the underground city are almost identical dressed up with white clothing, shaved head bald and identified with prefix followed by a number. Life in the film is controlled and monitored by computers and video cameras. In addition, the film portrays dark rooms as surveillance rooms that are darkened in order to view walls and the monitoring system of the city. The environment in the film is overlaid with the blueish-white glow and the mixture of stark white environment of the video monitors and the numeric computer records. On the contrary, the film depicts unimaginative sights, intense silence, echoes, hiss and the distorted radio sounds of people talking about the control of the workers and surveillance in the drones and clatters of machine. Also, the film illustrates intense controlling and monitoring of the surveillance over the populous by an unknown controller. It ends with a devastating and terrifying effect. Ind ividuality The film THX 1138 demonstrates the absolute loss of individuality and humanity. Internal forces without any leaders drive the entire society in the film (Telotte). Every activity in the film is carried out under intense observation and heavy surveillance; no one makes decision whereas no one else is charged. The robot police in the film enforces laws; laws are being argued by the lawyers, but the decisions made are computed (Telotte). According to Mike O’Neal, THX 1138 demonstrates a society where the society is not lead by any leaders. On the other hand, people are incapable to make independent actions. The film exhibits a society where law requires perfect compliance. Everyone in the society is subjected to perform with perfection (Douglas). Therefore, every worker is kept under heavy sedation by persuading these workers with the use of severe mind-altering drugs (Douglas). None of the workers can question the use of drugs; if any of them question their place the y are indoctrinate with the belief in Ohm (the God) that condemns individuality of the person and states that people are created for the masses (Telotte). The use of the elements allows every person in the society to perform their tasks mindlessly and efficiency (Douglas). Demonstrating that the society is no longer driven

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Role Of A Job Description Business Essay

The Role Of A Job Description Business Essay Job descriptions are the duties and requirements that are necessary for the recruitment of an employee. It is a list of general chores, duties and role of the employee for a specific and general job. Without job description a person cannot perform his role accordingly. In simple words job description is the basic or main responsibilities that an employee is supposed to perform for any organisation or company. Any job description must contain these things a) A job summary b) A list of job function c) Requirements d) Other information a) A job summary A job summary means detail information regarding the general tasks and duties of the job. b) A list of job functions It means the list of those functions and duties that an employee needs to perform his duty. c) Requirements For different jobs there are different requirements. The job description must contain the specific requirements for the job. d) Other requirements If there are any other requirements for a specific job a job description explains those relevant requirements. There are two types of job descriptions one is known as general job description and the other one is known as specific job description. The difference between both is described as under. General Job description is a list of general duties and functions that are required for a position. In general job description we will straightway get the knowledge that we need to contact for applying a job and we also do not need to read extra details about the company or the job. If an ad of a job is short and brief and does not explain any specific duty that a person needs to perform then it comes under general job description. For example if there is an ad that says that a company needs a manager, but does not explains any details regarding the requirement of the job. It comes under general jobs description. In specific job description the employee needs some specific qualifications or skills to perform his/her job. Sometimes it also explains some extra information regarding benefits, allowances and nature of the job. For example if there is an ad that says company needs a manager who must have computer skills, needs some experience in public dealing and also explains the information regarding pay, tax, working hours, then its comes under specific job description. The purpose of job description is to have the clear summary of liabilities and tasks. Job description plays a very important role in organizational resource management .It develops an organisation in managing and improving the abilities of the people in the following ways:- a) It provides the origin of assessing job performance. b) It explains that what an employer is expecting from his employee in the performance of his duties. c) By job description the grading and pay systems can be organised honestly and rationally. If there is any dispute or issue of employer/employee job description provides necessary reference tools for that purpose. e) Job description describes the necessary reference implements for discipline matters. f) It describes the clear role of the candidate for the job. g) It describes the structure, rules and regulations for a company or an organization to guarantee obligatory deeds, liabilities and tasks. It provides foundation to measure performance of a job. It provides necessary ideas for development and training. Job description enables an organization to organise its function in a constant mode and by this way an organisation can increase its effectiveness and success. Q No: Design a job description reflecting strategies of recruitment team? A job description explains duties, abilities, efforts and responsibilities, as well as working atmosphere, experience. RGIS is a company that provides inventory services to its customers. The job that we have selected for discussion is AUDITORS of the company. RGIS Inventory takers are members of a team that work together to physically count inventory for companys clients and enter information into RGIS equipment. Inventory to be counted varies from place to place and client to client. The items that needs to be counted are located at different places and various heights. In every store usually Inventory takes 5-6 hours to be done but sometimes it may takes longer than that depends upon the size of the place and numbers of items to be counted. All the auditors are given proper training before starting their jobs, in which they learn how to use the equipment, way of counting, how to work as a team, to give good performance even under pressure, follow company rules, count fast and accurate. To become an auditor of the company minimum age limit is 18 years. He needs to be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide in all units of measure with whole numbers, common fractions and decimals either with the calculator or 10-key audit. If he has some experience working as team in a customer services that would be preferable. He must have proper CRB check. In RGIS every single employee is given an equal opportunity of getting promotion according to their performance during their job. An auditor needs to be capable of using hand held computers and other inventory tools. He has to establish average per hour count goals along with accuracy and fast speed. He has to follow all the company polices and procedures. He needs to be capable of working in different shifts and different hours, sometime shorter and some time longer. He should be capable of working in different environments such as warehouse, stores etc. He should narrate information clearly and accurately both in writing form and verbally. He must have the ability to fulfil the other duties as ask by the management. While counting, the auditor has to stand for longer hours and needs to be very efficient. Some time he has to work for extended period of time so he also needs to be flexible. He needs to keep balance while counting stock from ladder as during work he has to use ladder and step up to 8 high. As auditor has to go different places for away and nearby so he should be able to travel by car and plane i ncluding overnight stays. This job is suitable for the person who wants to earn some extra money and want to work with flexible hours. The best thing working in RGIS is that you can work hours of your own choice. In RGIS there are different categories of auditors. In the beginning they are recruited as an auditor but if they work hard and devotedly they can reach the highest post of the company. After auditor they become specialist and then an expert. There are two types of counters one is single scanner and the other one is multiple counter. The person who can do both types of count fast and accurate is known as expert. After becoming an expert there are doors open for the auditors to take further training and to apply for the higher post in the company that is supervisor, area manager etc. MARKETING Marketing means the procedure to create, communicate, deliver and exchange the offers that are important and valuable for the customers, clients and partners. Marketing is a process through which a company develop its business. Marketing is used to grip, detect and satisfy the customer. To achieve an organizational goal it is very necessary to understand the requirements and demands of the market and to satisfy those demands and requirements. The word marketing suggests that to achieve a target an organization should fulfil the demands of the customers in advance and to satisfy them. OPERATIONS Operation means the regular actions which are necessary for the running of a business or an organization. Operation converts supply or data inputs into desired result to generate and value the customers. In concept, it is a modest plan Make clients delay longer, and fewer of them will come back. But real exercise is difficult. The fresh advertising advantage becomes reasons in changing operating developments that rise customer service. The increase in waiting times shakes different market sections inversely, but generally causes a decrease in customer gratification, and therefore, repurchases. Consequently, the marketing creativity has costs, as well as beneficial. Manipulating those prices, though, is far from a simple matter. Lately, industrial influences have been given much less courtesy than promotion issues as a main part in positive company policy. Though, as early as 1969, Harvard University Professor Wickham Skinner claimed that manufacturing was a lost connection in business tactic. He recommended that directors incline to evade participation in manufacturing strategy creation, and manufacturing managers are unaware of business plan and a function that could be a valued advantage and tool of business policy develops an obligation instead. Hayes and Wheelwright recommend that there has been a rising gratitude that manufacturing can be a tough modest weapon if armed and achieved correctly, and that a key to doing that is the growth of an intelligible manufacturing strategy. In addition, they claim that modest strategy can only be fruitful when industrial strategy works in concert with the other efficient policies. A current study by Hanna and Stahl establish that the topmost business companies highlight quality/ consistency and to a smaller grade customer service factors in their company plans. However, these studies were made among big companies. They suppose that trade aspects would be given substantial position in business plan in many corporations since typically the proprietors of small business companies have their background in mechanical extents. Development in product value and decrease in product price were the two policy features which were mostly designated as the main donors to enhanced firm performance. This result is reinforced by other trainings about the position of strategic factors in trading. In the marketing zone, there was a broader variation between companies with respect to the most important factors, and no specific policies seemed to be strongly favoured. Numerous studies of the dynamic edge between marketing and operations are found in. Though, most of the previous work has considered the subtleties of the marketing-operations interface using only one product with deterministic requirements. For instance, the above-cited work by Porteus and Whang has measured a single-period model with numerous end-products. The quoted Porteus and Whang model emphases on developing suitable inducements to make the exertions of selfish marketing and operations managers result in a worldwide optimum. Neither that model nor the other above-cited models, however, emphasis on connections between different makes and the effect of rivalry. Marketing estimates of product ingesting and forecasts of the success of imminent marketing policies to trade a product is very vital to operative administration which base product manufacture agendas on marketing estimates and calculations. Though, marketing is an enormously active area and, therefore, a good market model for a specific product group must reflect a wide variety of variables to confirm the best model possible. Heretofore none of the studies or research accepted have adequately carried composed or proposed a combined system which permits for inter-firm collaboration/policymaking between marketing and operative administration using a comprehensive market model which is geared to produce products and permits for numerous contestants, marketing plans, expected customer ingesting, communication with like product brands, and overall market fitness. The comparative status of these actions and marketing policy aspects for secure presentation was also verified. The consequences of a numerous reversion study, using real trade development as the reliant on variable, specified that the most creative policy features were developments in service to the customer, enhancements in fresh material excellence and upgrading in preparation. However, these policies seemed to benefit only those firms where a) whole business demand was rising and b) there was significant hi-tech alteration happening in the business. Astonishingly, stress on the marketing strategy issues did not seem to be a main causal issue in sales evolution. Upgrading in service to the customer, though, it is also a procedure feature which may have a significant marketing module as well. Q No 4: Importance of qualification, sustainability for an organization in job description? Ans: A job description helps an employee to understand that what performance he needs to show and what are the expectations from him. The job description helps the employee to realise the clear scope of their job and their position in the organisation. For any job qualification is a very important factor. Qualification gives the information about the skills of a candidate. It explains that what necessary education or specific skills are required for a particular job and either a person is eligible for a certain position or not. In modern business period training plays a substantial role. To beat the competitors it is essential not only to equip your staff but also to provide necessary training along with the required needs of time. There are certain reasons to give training to the staff. The fast revolution of technology has influenced the workplace and has made it essential for people to appraise their knowledge and skills. People have to work in different fields and categories whic h generally demand far more from their extent of specialty. To fulfil the future manpower needs of organisation training is very necessary. Change in management style, for personal development and for the advancement of career training and development is very essential. By training and development an organisation can achieve its target more effectively and more quickly. For sustainability, employers would have to share an idea to develop a sustainability strategy for the expansion of organizations budget, employment model, to expand a capital model and to secure funding. Workforce planning is the procedure to consider a companys current and future employment requirements. If the workforce planning is effective it helps a company to identify and plan how to tackle their current and future workforce challenges and significances. The easiest way for the development of workforce is to find the exact number of people, having precise abilities in the accurate position at the perfect time. The organization should keep into consideration the number of employees but also keep in mind the necessary abilities that are essential for the business. The organization has to increase its manufacturing abilities. There are some examples to show that the abilities and knowledge are essential for job description. If a person is highly educated and has some extra qualif ication with some specialization degree he would be a preferable candidate for a job. An employee must contain sufficient knowledge to manage transform in an administration and to develop and apply efficient plans. He should be self-appealing and has the competency to work on his own proposals. Good communication power is very necessary as he should be capable of communicating with the executives in different aspects. All these examples show that qualification and sustainability are very important for an organization in job description. Job description helps the person to apply for the exact position in the organization and also helps the organization to choose the appropriate person for the required position. Conclusion